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Patent Aus Holzlamellen aufgebautes Tragelement und Klebstoff für dieses(European Patent Office, 2005) ;Fankhauser, Urs; ;Schröder, David; ; Gfeller, BalzEine tragende Struktur (1) mit einer Anzahl von Holzlamellen (6), die mit einer Klebstoffschicht (17) zwischen jedem Lamellenpaar zusammengeklebt sind, wobei der Klebstoff in jeder Schicht (17) eine Streckgrenze (fDK) zeigt, die ist niedriger als die Biegefestigkeit der benachbarten stärker belasteten Lamelle (6): Ein unabhängiger Anspruch gilt auch für einen Klebstoff zur Verwendung in (1) mit einer Streckgrenze (fDK), die niedriger als die Bruchstelle (fDB) ist. (für Drucklasten, die rechtwinklig zu den Lamellen aufgebracht werden) der benachbarten Lamelle auf der der aufgebrachten Last gegenüberliegenden Seite.3 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Patent Connecting element(2004-07-14); ;Ettlin, ToniThe conical fastening device (1) consists of a gently tapering cone (3) made of metal especially aluminum. It has three shallow equally spaced longitudinal grooves (7-7'') with straight sides. The grooves are separated by broad conically tapered areas (5). A through bore (9) near the broad end of one of these areas accommodates a nail which can extend into a conical blind bore (13) which may hold the end of the wooden stick.2 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Patent Glued laminated beamA glued laminated timber beam or slab (10) comprises one beam body (11) and one or two adjacent strips or sheets (12), separated by an adhesive interface (13) each, wherein the height of the adjacent strip (s) or sheet (s) (12) is between 15 and 25% of the height of the beam or slab (10).12 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Patent Integrated oscillator with reduced jitter(1998) ;Daanen, AntoniusAn oscillator in an integrated circuit in which the oscillator signal is taken from the output of a comparator, and the decision level of the comparator is determined by the voltage difference between the input of the comparator and the substrate of the integrated circuit. Interference voltages on the substrate, caused by other circuitry on the integrated circuit, are compensated with equal interference voltages at the input of the comparator. To effect this compensation, a capacitor is connected between the input of the comparator and the substrate, in lieu of the conventional capacitor that is connected between the input of the comparator and a ground potential. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Patent INTEGRATED OSCILLATOR WITH REDUCED JITTER(1997) ;Daanen, AntoniusIn an oscillator in an integrated circuit (IC) the oscillator signal is taken from the output of a comparator (COMP). The decision level of the comparator (CMP) is determined by the voltage difference between the input of the comparator (CMP) and the substrate (SBSTR) of the integrated circuit (IC). The spurious voltage on the substrate (SBSTR), which is caused by digital circuitry (DL), is compensated by means of an equal spurious voltage on the input of the comparator (CMP). To this end an integrated capacitor (C1) is connected between the input of the comparator (CMP) and the substrate (SBSTR). The integrated capacitor (C1) takes the place of the usual external capacitor (C1EXT).6 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Patent METHOD FOR PRODUCING THERMALLY CURABLE RESIN AND RESIN OBTAINABLE BY THE METHOD(2018-08-29) ;Badoux, François ;Krawielitzki, Stefan ;Mortato, Mariangela ;Lagel, Marie-Christine; Die Erfindung betrifft Verfahren zur Herstellung von thermisch härtbaren Harzen enthaltend den Schritt der Umsetzung einer polykondensationsfähigen phenolischen Verbindung und/oder eines Aminoplastbildners mit 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) unter zur Bildung von Polykondensationsprodukten führenden Bedingungen, und ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das HMF mindestens ein HMF-Oligomer umfasst. Die Erfindung betrifft ferner thermisch härtbare Harze sowie die Verwendung der Harze zur Herstellung eines Holzverbundwerkstoffs.5 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Patent METHOD FOR PRODUCING THERMOSETTING PHENOLIC RESINS AND PHENOLIC RESINS OBTAINABLE BY THE METHOD(2018) ;Mortato, Mariangela ;Krawielitzki, Stefan ;Badoux, François; ; ; The present invention relates to a method for producing thermosetting phenolic resins as well as thermosetting phenolic resins. In particular, the invention relates to a method for producing thermosetting phenolic resins, comprising at least one polycondensation product obtained by polycondensation of phenolic compounds with HMF and thermosetting phenolic resins obtainable by the method. The invention also relates to the use of the thermosetting phenolic resins for the production of plywood, wood fiber composite, chipboard or multilayer boards.12 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Patent METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OF WOOD COMPOSITE PRODUCTS AND WOOD COMPOSITE PRODUCTS OBTAINED BY USING THIS METHOD(2018) ;Badoux, François ;Krawielitzki, Stefan ;Mortato, Mariangela; ;Lagel, Marie-ChristineDie vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von Holzverbundwerkstoffen. Im Besonderen betrifft die Erfindung ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von Holzverbundwerkstoffen enthaltend die Schritte: Bereitstellen eines thermisch härtbaren Harzes, indem man eine polykondensationsfähige phenolische Verbindung und/oder einen Aminoplastbildner mit 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) unter zur Bildung von Polykondensationsprodukten führenden Bedingungen umsetzt, Inkontaktbringen des Harzes mit lignocellulosehaltigem Material, und Aushärten des Harzes unter Bildung des Holzverbundwerkstoffs.4 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Patent Strukturelement mit elektrisch leitenden Eigenschaften und Verfahren zu dessen VerwendungDie Erfindung betrifft ein Strukturelement, das mindestens zwei leitende Schichten umfasst, die durch mindestens eine elektrisch isolierende Trennschicht voneinander getrennt sind, wobei leitende Schichten verwendet werden können, um einen elektrischen Verbraucher auf flexible Weise mit Strom zu versorgen. insbesondere bei Möbelelementen.6 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Patent Stützwerk zum Schutz vor Lawinen, Steinschlägen und Erdrutschen(2018) ;Heintzmann, Philipp ;Krummenacher, Roger6 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
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Patent Wood barrel, production method thereof and machine for implementing same(2010) ;Lefort, VincentWooden barrel, in particular oak wood, intended to contain a liquid, such as wine, comprising a hollow body closed by two barrel bottoms, each barrel bottom comprising a set of substantially rectangular wooden slats assembled parallel to each other. others by opposite side faces, the adjacent side faces (101, 201) of two slats (100, 200) assembled to one another being in intimate watertight contact, the wood fibers of each of said slats being entangled and held in a matrix of molten intercellular materials.4 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Patent Wood treatment method(WIPO / PCT, 2019); ; ; ; ; ;Buividé, Indre; The invention relates to a method for treating at least one part made of wood comprising: - A) an impregnation phase for impregnating the part with at least one colouring agent; - B) a steaming phase comprising heating said part in the presence of saturated steam; - C) a densifying phase comprising: i) compressing said part by exerting a first pressure at a first temperature then a second pressure at a second temperature, the second temperature and the second pressure being respectively lower than the first temperature and the first pressure.4