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Achermann, Sibylle; Marty, Julia; Beck, Andreas; Rieger, Bertram; Hirschmüller, Anja; Baur, Heiner (2023). Rückkehr zum Sport nach Rekonstruktion des vorderen Kreuzbandes: Welche Faktoren beeinflussen die Return to Sport-Entscheidung? Sportverletzung - Sportschaden, 37(3), pp. 133-140. Georg Thieme Verlag 10.1055/a-2025-1090

Apykhtin, Kostiantyn; Drozdovska, Svitlana; Gurenko, Olha; Panchenko, Yuliia; Andreeva, Olena; Nahorna, Anastasiia; Pisaruk, Anatoly (2023). Heart rate variability in people with metabolic syndrome Ageing and Longevity, 4(1), pp. 1-7. Institute of Gerontology, NAMS of Ukraine 10.47855/jal9020-2023-1-1


Baschung, Jonas; Einsele, Farshideh (2022). Finding Correlation between Chronic Diseases and Food Consumption from 30 Years of Swiss Health Data Linked with Swiss Consumption Data using FP-Growth for Association Analysis Computer Science & Information Technology, 174, pp. 101-122. AIRCC Publishing Corporation 10.5121/csit.2022.121609

Basso, Walter; Marreros, Nelson; Hofmann, Larissa; Salvisberg, Christine; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Frey, Caroline F. (2022). Evaluation of the PrioCHECK™ Trichinella AAD kit to detect Trichinella spiralis, T. britovi, and T. pseudospiralis larvae in pork using the automated digestion method Trichomatic-35 Parasitology International, 86, p. 102449. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2021.102449

Baur, Heiner; Pairot De Fontenay, Benoit; Sigward, Susan (2023). Editorial: Neuromuscular diagnostics and sensorimotor performance in training and therapy: beyond the pure biomechanical approach Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5 Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fspor.2023.1296276

Bleakley, Chris; Wagemans, Jente; Schurz, Alexander Philipp; Smoliga, Jamie (2023). How robust are clinical trials in primary and secondary ankle sprain prevention? Physical Therapy in Sport, 64, pp. 85-90. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ptsp.2023.08.005

Blättler, Mirko; Cerrito, Adrien (11 November 2024). The Association Between Movement Variability And The Transient Achilles Tendon Thickness Loss In Runners In: 6th International Scientific Tendinopathy Symposium: ISTS Valencia 2023: Abstract Book. Valencia. 9-11 November 2023.

Bogl, Leonie-Helen; Strohmaier, Susanne; Hu, Frank B.; Willett, Walter C.; Eliassen, A. Heather; Hart, Jaime E.; Sun, Qi; Chavarro, Jorge E.; Field, Alison E.; Schernhammer, Eva (2024). Maternal One-Carbon Nutrient Intake and Risk of Being Overweight or Obese in Their Offspring: A Transgenerational Prospective Cohort Study Nutrients, 16(8), p. 1210. MDPI 10.3390/nu16081210

Brandes, Cindy; Glässel, Andrea; Raab, Anja; Hermmann, Beate; Höppner, Heidi (2022). Interprofessionalität in den Gesundheitsberufen im Wandel einer modernen Rollen- und Professionsentwicklung. Bericht über die Ergebnisse eines World Cafés auf der Drei-Länder-Tagung am 5. Mai 2022 in Bern International Journal of Health Professions, 9(1), pp. 174-186. De Gruyter Open 10.2478/ijhp-2022-0015

Bürkle, Thomas (6 June 2022). Das Patientendossier (in der Schweiz) In: Fortbildung „Medizininformatik Up2Date“. Aachen. 6.7.2022.

Bürkle, Thomas (1 July 2022). NRP 77 Digi-Care Digitalisierung und Weitergabe klinischer Informationen in der Pflege: Implikationen und Perspektiven In: ROSE Graduiertenkolleg "Lernendes Gesundheitssystem". Osnabrück. 01.07.2022.

Bürkle, Thomas; Bender, Matthias; Glauser, Robin Paul (2022). Using Robots in Medical Informatics Education In: Séroussi, Brigitte; Weber, Patrick; Dhombres, Ferdinand; Grouin, Cyril; Liebe, Jean-David; Pelayo, Sylvia; Pinna, Andrea; Rance, Bastien; Sacchi, Lucia; Ugon, Adrien; Benis, Arriel; Parisis, Gallos (eds.) Proceedings of MIE 2022: Challenges of Trustable AI and Added-Value on Health. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics: Vol. 294 (pp. 765-769). Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press 10.3233/SHTI220580

Bürkle, Thomas; Lueg, Christopher; Salzmann, Patrizia; Salini, Deli; von Kaenel, François; Löffel, Kezia; Meier, Lea; Moozhiyil, Stephy-Mathew; Perrini, Sandro; Trede, Ines; Volpe, Andrea; Holm, Jürgen (2022). Digi-Care: Exploring the Impacts of Digitization on Nursing Work in Switzerland Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 292, pp. 57-62. IOS Press 10.3233/SHTI220321


Cheung, Roy T.H.; Ngai, Shirley P.C.; Baur, Heiner (2022). Editorial: COVID-19 pandemic:A curve ball for athletes Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4:1015 Frontiers Research Foundation


Eisenblätter, Julia; Schumacher, Gerry; Hirt, Marie; Wild, Janine; Catalano, Loan; Schoenberg, Sonja; Baru, Brigitte; Jent, Sandra (2021). How do food businesses provide information on allergens in non-prepacked foods? A cross-sectional survey in Switzerland Allergo Journal International, 31(2), pp. 43-50. Springer 10.1007/s40629-021-00191-5

Eissler, Christian; Lehmann, Undine; Tal, Amir; Cignacco Müller, Eva (December 2019). Neue Master-Curricula: Unsere Antwort auf Herausforderungen im Gesundheitswesen frequenz: Das Magazin des Departements Gesundheit, pp. 10-13. Berner Fachhochschule BFH, Departement Gesundheit


Franke, Annette; Kramer, Birgit; Jann, Pirkko Marit; van Holten, Karin; Zentgraf, Amelie; Otto, Ulrich; Bischofberger, Iren (2019). Aktuelle Befunde zu "distance caregiving". Was wir wissen und was (noch) nicht Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 52(6), pp. 521-528. Steinkopff bei Springer LINK 10.1007/s00391-019-01596-2

Furtado Jost, Rebecca; Müller, Norbert; Marreros, Nelson; Moré, Gastón; Antoine, Loic; Basso, Walter; Frey, Caroline F. (2023). What is the role of Swiss domestic cats in environmental contamination with Echinococcus multilocularis eggs? Parasites & Vectors, 16(1), p. 353. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13071-023-05983-y


Giacomino, Katia; Hilfiker, Roger; Beckwée, David; Taeymans, Jan; Sattelmayer, Karl Martin (2023). Assessment tools and incidence of hospital-associated disability in older adults: a rapid systematic review PeerJ, 11, e16036. PeerJ 10.7717/peerj.16036

Gomez Teijeiro, Lucia; Cadilhac, Christelle; Prados, Julien; Mule, Nandkishor; Jabaudon, Denis; Dayer, Alexandre (2023). Developmental emergence of cortical neurogliaform cell diversity Development, 150(15) The Company of Biologists 10.1242/dev.201830

Gomez Teijeiro, Lucia (2022). Developmental Emergence of Cortical Neurogliaform Cell Diversity (Dissertation, University of Geneva, Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de L'Éducation)

Grand-Guillaume-Perrenoud, Jean Anthony; Geese, Franziska; Uhlmann, Katja; Blasimann Schwarz, Angela; Wagner, Felicitas L.; Neubauer, Florian B.; Huwendiek, Sören; Hahn, Sabine; Schmitt, Kai-Uwe (2023). Mixed methods instrument validation: Evaluation procedures for practitioners developed from the validation of the Swiss Instrument for Evaluating Interprofessional Collaboration BMC Health Services Research, 23(83), pp. 1-22. BioMed Central Springer Nature 10.1186/s12913-023-09040-3

Görgen, Arno (2020). Zwischen Pathologisierung und Enhancement. Formen der Medikalisierung digitaler Spiele In: Simond, Stefan Heinrich; Görgen, Arno (eds.) Krankheit in Digitalen Spielen. Interdisziplinäre Betrachtungen. Medical Humanities (pp. 17-49). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 10.14361/9783839453285-003

Görgen, Arno (22 June 2022). Krankheit im Digitalen Spiel: ein Topos im Wandel In: GameLab-Stammtisch. Augsburg. 22.06.2022.


Hautz, Wolf E; Kündig, Moritz; Tschanz, Roger; Birrenbach, Tanja; Schuster, Alexander; Bürkle, Thomas; Hautz, Stefanie C; Sauter, Thomas C; Krummrey, Gert (2021). Automated identification of diagnostic labelling errors in medicine Diagnosis (Berl), 9(2), pp. 241-249. 10.1515/dx-2021-0039

Holm, Jürgen (2020). Internet of Things In: Digitale Medizin (pp. 139-154). Berlin: Medizinische Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft


Jent, Sandra; Schönberg, Sonja; Fischer, Jessica; Stalder, Karin; Eisenblätter, Julia (2022). Nicht vorverpackte Lebensmittel: Bedürfnisse von AnbieterInnen und Betroffenen mit Nahrungsmittelallergien und -unverträglichkeiten - Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie mit Fokusgruppen ErnährungsUmschau, 69(8), S57-S62. Umschau-Zeitschriftenverlag

Jent, Sandra; Tedde, Giulia (2023). Outcomes Management: Wirksamkeitsnachweis in der Ernährungsberatung und -therapie ErnährungsUmschau(2), pp. 94-104. Umschau-Zeitschriftenverlag

Jent, Sandra; Zahnd, Manuela Natascha (2023). Outcomes Management in der täglichen Praxis der Ernährungsberatung und -therapie ErnährungsUmschau(2), pp. 124-131. Umschau-Zeitschriftenverlag


Kaspar, Heidi (18 April 2018). Reizeziel Ayurveda Careum Blog

Krones, Tanja; Monteverde, Settimio (2017). Gute Lebens- und Sterbensqualität: Versorgung und Versorgungslücken von Palliative Care in der Schweiz Therapeutische Umschau, 74(1), pp. 805-811. Hogrefe 10.1024/0040-5930/a000872

Kurmann, Silvia; Trostler, Naomi; Moreira, Ana Catherina; Tiebe, José (July 2022). EFAD 2022 Supplementary document to the current International Code of Ethics: Recommendations of the PPC on areas of practice not specifically addressed in the International Code of Ethics Naarden, The Netherlands: European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians EFAD

König, Irène; Lutz, Nathanael; Taeymans, Jan (August 2020). Gesundheitsökonomische Evaluationen im Master-Studium Physiotherapie frequenz: Das Magazin des Departements Gesundheit, pp. 19-20. Berner Fachhochschule BFH, Departement Gesundheit


Lehmann, Undine; Uhlmann, Katja; Meichtry, André Anton; Spielmanns, Marc; Spielmanns, Sabine; Khatami, Ramin; Marti, Laura; Rüegsegger, Susanne; Kressig, Reto W.; Kiss, Caroline M.; Maguire, Clare Catherine; Zurfluh, Andrea; Marcin, Thimo (31 May 2024). Malnutrition and sarcopenia are highly prevalent in Swiss rehabilitation settings Swiss Medical Weekly, 154(Supple), pp. 70-71. Basel: EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag

Lehmann, Undine; Uhlmann, Katja; Spielmanns, Marc; Spielmanns, Sabine; Khatami, Ramin; Marti, Laura; Kressig, Reto W.; Kiss, Caroline M.; Maguire, Clare Catherine; Marcin, Thimo; (14 September 2023). Prevalence of malnutrition and sarcopenia in patients undergoing geriatric, pulmonary and cardiovascular rehabilitation in Switzerland: a multicenter study Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 58, p. 673. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clnesp.2023.09.726

Lerch, Till D; Boschung, Adam; Leibild, Christian; Kalla, Roger; Kerkeni, Hassan; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Siebenrock, Klaus A; Tannast, Moritz; Steppacher, Simon D (2022). Less in-toeing after femoral derotation osteotomy in adult patients with increased femoral version and posterior hip impingement compared to patients with femoral retroversion Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery, 9(1), pp. 35-43. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jhps/hnac001

Lerch, Till D; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christian; Kalla, Roger; Kerkeni, Hassen; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Steppacher, Simon D; Liechti, Emanuel F; Siebenrock, Klaus A; Tannast, Moritz; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Minimal Out-Toeing and Good Hip Scores of Severe SCFE Patients Treated With Modified Dunn Procedure and Contralateral Prophylactic Pinning at Minimal 5-year Follow up Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 42(5), e421-e426. Wolters Kluwer 10.1097/BPO.0000000000002127

Luijckx, Eefje; Rogan, Slavko (2020). Die Physiotherapie im Zeichen der Coronavirus-Krise Physioscience, 2020(16), pp. 49-50. Georg Thieme Verlag 10.1055/a-1149-0654

Lutz, Nicole; Zesiger, Larissa; Rogan, Slavko; Tscholl, Phillipe (2020). Übungsempfehlungen bei patellofemoralen Knieschbeschwerden Swiss Sports & Exercise Medicine, 68(1), pp. 34-40. Rub Media 10.34045/SEMS/2020/4


Maguire, Clare Catherine; Betschart, Martina; Pohl, Johannes; Primani, Francesca; Taeymans, Jan; Hund-Georgiadis, Margret (2023). Effects of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on serum BDNF and motor learning in the upper-limb in patients after chronic-stroke: A randomized, controlled feasibility study with embedded health economic evaluation NeuroRehabilitation, 52(3), pp. 485-506. 10.3233/NRE-220239

Maric, Filip; Chance-Larsen, Kenneth; Chevan, Julia; Jameson, Sarah; Nicholls, Davis; Opsommer, Emmanuelle; Perveen, Wajida; Richter, Robert; Stanhope, Jessica; Stone, Olivia; Strimpakos, Nikolaos; Vieira, Adriane; Williams, Mark; Zuber, Stefan; Söderlund, Anne (2021). A progress report on planetary health, environmental and sustainability education in physiotherapy – Editorial European Journal of Physiotherapy, 23(4), pp. 201-202. Tayler & Francis Online 10.1080/21679169.2021.1932981

Mate, Sebastian; Bürkle, Thomas; Kapsner, Lorenz A.; Toddenroth, Dennis; Kampf, Marvin O.; Sedlmayr, Martin; Castellanos, Ixchel; Prokosch, Hans-Ulrich; Kraus, Stefan (2019). A method for the graphical modeling of relative temporal constraints Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 100, p. 103314. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jbi.2019.103314

Mathieu-Kälin, Moritz; Müller, Mirjam; Weber, Melanie; Caminada, Sandro; Häberli, Marina; Baur, Heiner (2023). Content validity, interpretability, and internal consistency of the “Quality First” assessment to evaluate movement quality in hop tests following ACL rehabilitation. A cross-sectional study Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5, p. 1180957. Frontiers 10.3389/fspor.2023.1180957

Meier, Lea; Gurtner, Caroline; Nüssli, Stephan; Miletic, Marko; Bürkle, Thomas; Durrer, Michael (2022). SERO – A New Mobile App for Suicide Prevention Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 292, pp. 3-8. IOS Press 10.3233/SHTI220310

Miletic, Marko; Iten, Manuela; Bürkle, Thomas; Nippel, Alain (2022). An Interoperable Resuscitation Registry for the University Hospital of Bern Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 292, pp. 85-88. IOS Press 10.3233/SHTI220328

Monteverde, Settimio (2018). Michael Coors, Ralf J. Jox, Jürgen in der Schmitten (Hg.) (2015). Advance Care Planning. Von der Patientenverfügung zur gesundheitlichen Vorausplanung Bioethica Forum, 11(1), pp. 34-35. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Ethik / Schwabe

Mueller, Gabi; Berlowitz, David; Raab, Anja; Postma, Karin; Gobets, David; Huber, Burkhart; Hund-Georgiadis, Margret; Jordan, Xavier; Schubert, Marti; Wildburger, Renate; Brinkhof, Martin (2024). Incidence and Risk Factors of Pneumonia in Individuals With Acute Spinal Cord Injury: A Multi-national, Multi-center, Prospective Cohort Study Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 105(5), pp. 884-891. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apmr.2023.11.002

Méan, Carmela; Fischer, Susanna; Huber, Karin (2021). Viele verschiedene Fachexpertinnen in einem Team vereint Obstetrica: das Hebammenfachmagazin, 118(10), pp. 18-21. Schweizerischer Hebammenverband (SHV)

Müller, Gabi; Bersch-Porada, Ines; Koch-Borner, Sabrina; Raab, Anja; Jonker, Marga; Baumberger, Michael; Michel, Franz (2014). Laboratory Evaluation of Four Different Devices for Secretion Mobilization: Acapella Choice, Green and Blue Versus Water Bottle Respiratory Care, 59(5), pp. 673-677. American Association for Respiratory Care 10.4187/respcare.02654


Nahorna, Anastasiia; Andrieieva, Olena (2023). Opportunities for physical activity within clinical care: positive healthcare effects of exercise interventions delivered via telehealth services with evidence-based fitness resources The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 63(7), pp. 835-845. Minerva Medica 10.23736/S0022-4707.23.14566-X

Nahorna, Anastasiia; Baur, Heiner (2023). Biomechanical and functional effects of abdominal obesity on activities of daily living in individuals with low back pain Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 23(9), pp. 2426-2434. University of Pitesti 10.7752/jpes.2023.09279


Origlia Ikhilor, Paola; Sigrist, Thomas (2015). Interdisziplinarität: eine Physiotherapeutin unter Hebammen, pp. 18-19. Schweizerischer Hebammenverband (SHV)

Origlia Ikhilor, Paola; Sigrist, Thomas (June 2015). Eine Physiotherapeutin unter Hebammen frequenz: Das Magazin des Departements Gesundheit(6), pp. 34-36. Berner Fachhochschule BFH, Departement Gesundheit


Pfister, Franziska; Olalia, Loraine; Uhlmann, Katja (26 June 2024). IntegrEAT – Participatory workshops for developing motivating nutritional communication for people with intellectual disabilities. In: Design4Health 2024. Sheffield, UK. 25.06.-27.06.2024.


Raab, Anja; Brinkhof, Martin; Berlowitz, David; Postma, Karin; Gobets, David; Hirschfeld, Sven; Hopman, Maria; Huber, Burkhart; Hund-Georgiadis, Margret; Jordan, Xavier; Schubert, Martin; Wildburger, Renate; Mueller, Gabi (2020). Respiratory function and respiratory complications in spinal cord injury: protocol for a prospective, multicentre cohort study in high-income countries BMJ Open, 10(11), pp. 1-7. BMJ 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-038204

Raab, Anja; Harvey, LA; Baumberger, M; Frotzler, A (2014). The effect of arm position and bed adjustment on comfort and pressure under the shoulders in people with tetraplegia: a randomized cross-over study Spinal Cord, 52(2), pp. 152-156. Springer Nature 10.1038/sc.2013.150

Raab, Anja; Krebs, Jörg; Perret, Claudio; Michel, Franz; Hopman, Maria TE; Müller, Gabi (2016). Maximum Inspiratory Pressure is a Discriminator of Pneumonia in Individuals With Spinal-Cord Injury Respiratory Care, 61(12), pp. 1636-1643. American Association for Respiratory Care 10.4187/respcare.04818

Raab, Anja; Krebs, Jörg; Perret, Claudio; Pfister, Mirjam; Hopman, Maria; Müller, Gabi (2018). Evaluation of a clinical implementation of a respiratory muscle training group during spinal cord injury rehabilitation Spinal Cord Series and Cases, 4(1), pp. 1-8. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41394-018-0069-4

Raab, Anja; Krebs, Jörg; Pfister, Mirjam; Perret, Claudio; Hopman, Maria; Müller, Gabi (2019). Respiratory muscle training in individuals with spinal cord injury: effect of training intensity and -volume on improvements in respiratory muscle strength Spinal Cord, 57(6), pp. 482-489. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41393-019-0249-5

Raab, Anja; Michel, Franz (2020). Significant demands on healthcare resources during the COVID crisis Spinal Cord, 58(6), pp. 728-729. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41393-020-0482-y

Raab, Anja; de Groot, Sonja; Berlowitz, David J.; Post, Marcel W. M.; Adriaansen, Jacinthe; Hopman, Maria; Müller, Gabi (2019). Development and validation of models to predict respiratory function in persons with long-term spinal cord injury Spinal Cord, 57(12), pp. 1064-1075. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41393-019-0313-1

Raab, Anja Maria; Mueller, Gabi; Elsig, Simone; Gandevia, Simon C.; Zwahlen, Marcel-David; Hopman, Maria T. E.; Hilfiker, Roger (2021). Systematic Review of Incidence Studies of Pneumonia in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury Journal of clinical medicine, 11(1), pp. 211-229. MDPI 10.3390/jcm11010211

Ramelet, Anne-Sylvie; Bergstraesser, Eva; Grandjean, Chantal; Dorsaz, Anouk; Fahrni-Nater, Patricia; Cignacco Müller, Eva; Zimmerman, Karin (2020). Comparison of End-of-Life Care Practices Between Children With Complex Chronic Conditions and Neonates Dying in an ICU Versus Non-ICUs: A Substudy of the Pediatric End-of-LIfe CAre Needs in Switzerland (PELICAN) Project Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 21(5), e236-e246. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/PCC.0000000000002259

Rausch, Anne-Kathrin; Baur, Heiner; Reicherzer, Leah; Wirz, Markus; Keller, Fabienne; Opsommer, Emmanuelle; Schoeb, Veronika; Vercelli, Stefano; Barbero, Marco (2021). Physiotherapists’ use and perceptions of digital remote physiotherapy during COVID-19 lockdown in Switzerland: an online cross-sectional survey Archives of Physiotherapy, 11(18), pp. 1-10. BioMed Central 10.1186/s40945-021-00112-3

Reichenpfader, Daniel; Abu Baker, Mootaas; Bürkle, Thomas (2022). Digitizing the ECG Workflow – A State-of-the-Art Analysis Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 292, pp. 81-84. IOS Press 10.3233/SHTI220327

Ritler, Dominic; Marreros, Nelson; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). An IC 50 Calculator: brittalundstroem/IC50: IC50 R tool: Dominic; Marrnel [Software & Other Digital Items] 10.5281/zenodo.8296333

Rogan, Slavko (2020). Dual-Tasking als Therapiemaßnahme bei Handpatienten Praxis Handreha, 1(1), pp. 39-42. Georg Thieme Verlag 10.1055/a-1025-0829

Rogan, Slavko; Baur, Heiner (2020). Untersuchung zur Wirkung von Kinesio-Tape® und IQ-Tape® auf die Neuromuskuläre Aktivität beim Joggen, Treppensteigen und Drop-Jump Sportverletz Sportschaden, 34(2), pp. 96-104. Georg Thieme Verlag 10.1055/a-1014-0623

Rogan, Slavko; Schmid, Fabienne; Glässel, Andrea (2021). A Swiss Health Care Professionals’ Perspective on the Meaning of Interprofessional Collaboration in Health Care of People with MS—A Focus Group Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(12), pp. 1-16. MDPI 10.3390/ijerph18126537

Rogan, Slavko; Taeymans, Jan; Berger, Ina; Baur, Heiner (2023). Manuelle Therapietechniken an der Wirbelsäule zur Stimulation des autonomen Nervensystems: ein Scoping Review Sportverletzung - Sportschaden, 37(2), pp. 67-78. Georg Thieme Verlag 10.1055/a-1958-2730

Rogan, Slavko; Taeymans, Jan; Clijsen, Ron; Lutz, Nicole; Tscholl, Phillipe (2020). Konservative Behandlungs-Strategien patellofemoraler Beschwerden in der Physiotherapie. Swiss Sports & Exercise Medicine, 68(1), pp. 1-9. Rub Media 10.34045/SEMS/2020/5

Ruangsuphaphichat, Arphatsorn; Brockmann, Lars; Sirasaporn, Patpiya; Manimmanakorn, Nuttaset; Hunt, Kenneth James; Saengsuwan, Jittima (2023). Test-retest reliability of short- and long-term heart rate variability in individuals with spinal cord injury Spinal Cord, 61(12), pp. 658-666. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41393-023-00935-w

Ruff, Jonas; Taeymans, Jan; Blasimann Schwarz, Angela; Rogan, Slavko (2024). Analysis of Injuries in the Swiss U20 Elite Ice Hockey Season 2019/2020—A Retrospective Survey Sports, 12(4), pp. 1-11. MDPI 10.3390/sports12040088


Saengsuwan, Jittima; Ruangsuphaphichat, Arphatsorn; Brockmann, Lars; Sirasaporn, Patpiya; Manimmanakorn, Nuttaset; Hunt, Kenneth James (2024). Diurnal variation of heart rate variability in individuals with spinal cord injury BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 23(58), pp. 1-12. 10.1186/s12938-024-01256-6

Schitter, Agnes M.; Fleckenstein, Johannes; Frei, Peter; Taeymans, Jan; Kurpiers, Nico; Radlinger, Lorenz (2020). Applications, indications, and effects of passive hydrotherapy WATSU (WaterShiatsu)—A systematic review and meta-analysis PLoS One, 15(3), e0229705. Public Library of Science (PLoS) 10.1371/journal.pone.0229705

Schitter, Agnes M.; Frei, Peter; Elfering, Achim; Kurpiers, Nico; Radlinger, Lorenz (2022). Evaluation of short-term effects of three passive aquatic interventions on chronic non-specific low back pain: Study protocol for a randomized cross-over clinical trial Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 12(26), pp. 1-11. Elsevier 10.1016/j.conctc.2022.100904

Soom Ammann, Eva (2024). Der neue Fokus auf Chancengerechtigkeit in der Palliative Care Palliative CH, 22(1), pp. 14-20. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Palliative Medizin, Pflege und Begleitung


Thilo, Friederike J.S.; Zemp, Laurent (2024). Hospital at Home Arlesheim Krankenpflege | Soins Infirmiers | Cure Infermieristiche, 04, pp. 32-33. Schweizer Berufsverband der Pflegefachfrauen und Pflegefachmänner

Thilo, Friederike J.S.; Zemp, Laurent (2024). Hospitalisation à domicile Krankenpflege | Soins Infirmiers | Cure Infermieristiche, 04, pp. 68-69. Schweizer Berufsverband der Pflegefachfrauen und Pflegefachmänner

Troll, Claudia; Trapl-Grundschober, Michaela; Teuschl, Yvonne; Cerrito, Adrien; Compte, Montserrat Gallego; Siegemund, Martin (2023). A bedside swallowing screen for the identification of post-extubation dysphagia on the intensive care unit – validation of the Gugging Swallowing Screen (GUSS)—ICU BMC Anesthesiology, 23(1) BioMed Central 10.1186/s12871-023-02072-6


Ude-Köller, Susanne; Menzi, Luise; Wiesemann, Claudia (2006). Junge oder Mädchen? Elternwunsch, Geschlechtswahl und geschlechtskorrigierende Operationen bei Kindern mit Störungen der Geschlechtsentwicklung Ethik in der Medizin, 18(1), pp. 63-70. Springer 10.1007/s00481-006-0414-1


Van der Horst, Klazine; von Meyenn, Ferdinand; Rezzi, Serge; Vergères, Guy (2022). Sind nutrigenetische Tests bereit für den Alltag? Schweizer Zeitschrift für Ernährungsmedizin, 20(1), pp. 24-28. Rosenfluh

Vetsch, Thomas; Taeymans, Jan; Lutz, Nathanael (2023). Optimising the current model of care for knee osteoarthritis with the implementation of guideline recommended non-surgical treatments: a model-based health economic evaluation Swiss Medical Weekly, 153(4), p. 40059. EMH Schweizerischer Aerzteverlag 10.57187/smw.2023.40059


Wagemans, Jente; Bleakley, Chris; Taeymans, Jan; Schurz, Alexander Philipp; Kuppens, Kevin; Baur, Heiner; Vissers, Dirk (2022). Exercise-based rehabilitation reduces reinjury following acute lateral ankle sprain: A systematic review update with meta-analysis PLoS One, 17(2), :e0262023. Public Library of Science (PLoS) 10.1371/journal.pone.0262023

Wagemans, Jente; Taeymans, Jan; Kuppens, Kevin; Baur, Heiner; Bleakley, Chris; Vissers, Dirk (2023). Determining key clinical predictors for chronic ankle instability and return to sports with cost of illness analysis: protocol of a prospective cohort study BMJ Open, 13(5), e069867. BMJ 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-069867

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