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Aebischer, Philippe; Sutter, Michael; Reidy, Beat (1 November 2020). Measuring sward height and dry matter yield of pastures using multispectral imagery from UAV and a random forest algorithm In: DIGICROP 2020. Online. 1.-10. November 2020.

Al-Nawaiseh, Sami; Burri, Christian; Schulz, André; Wakili, Philip; Farese, Gerardo; Kroetz, Christina; Salzmann, Simon Adrian; Brinkmann, Ralf; Gasparini, Sylvia J.; Povazay, Boris; Frenz, Martin; Szurman, Peter; Ader, Marius; Stanzel, Boris (1 June 2022). Short-term follow up after Large-Area RPE Removal by Microsecond Laser followed by hiPS-RPE suspension transplantation in rabbits nvestigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 63. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science

Alibert, Y.; Carron, F.; Fortier, A.; Pfyffer, Samuel; Benz, W.; Swoboda, D.; Mordasini, C. (2013). Theoretical models of planetary system formation: mass vs. semi-major axis Astronomy & Astrophysics, 558(A109), A109. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201321690

Ammann, Samuel; Niemz, Peter (2015). Specific fracture energy at glue joints in European beech wood International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 60, pp. 47-53. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2015.03.007


Bachtiar, Erik V.; Konopka, Daniel; Schmidt, Benjamin; Niemz, Peter; Kaliske, Michael (2019). Hygro-mechanical analysis of wood-adhesive joints Engineering Structures, 193, pp. 258-270. Elsevier 10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.03.104

Baensch, Franziska; Sause, Markus G.R.; Brunner, Andreas J.; Niemz, Peter (2015). Damage evolution in wood – pattern recognition based on acoustic emission (AE) frequency spectra Holzforschung, 69(3), pp. 357-365. De Gruyter 10.1515/hf-2014-0072

Baensch, Franziska; Zauner, Michaela; Sanabria, Sergio J.; Sause, Markus G.R.; Pinzer, Bernd R.; Brunner, Andreas J.; Stampanoni, Marco; Niemz, Peter (2015). Damage evolution in wood: synchrotron radiation micro-computed tomography (SRμCT) as a complementary tool for interpreting acoustic emission (AE) behavior Holzforschung, 69(8), pp. 1015-1025. De Gruyter 10.1515/hf-2014-0152

Binetti, Simona; Le Donne, Alessia; Rolfi, Andrea; Jäggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat; Busto, Chiara; Frigeri, Cesare; Scorticati, Davide; Longoni, Luca; Pellegrino, Sergio (2016). Picosecond laser texturization of mc-silicon for photovoltaics: A comparison between 1064 nm, 532 nm and 355 nm radiation wavelengths Applied Surface Science, 371, pp. 196-202. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.02.187

Blaser Lopez, Dunia; Pilz, Soenke; Hayati, Mozhgan; Romano, Valerio; Hochstrasser, Martin (1 April 2020). Granulated silica method to produce an “inversed” guiding fibre structure (Conference Presentation) Proceedings Volume 11355, Micro-Structured and Specialty Optical Fibres VI; 1135512 (2020), p. 39. 10.1117/12.2556690

Bockel, Stefan; Harling, S.; Grönquist, P.; Niemz, Peter; Pichelin, Frédéric; Weiland, G.; Konnerth, Johannes (2020). Characterization of wood-adhesive bonds in wet conditions by means of nanoindentation and tensile shear strength European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 78(3), pp. 449-459. Springer 10.1007/s00107-020-01520-1

Brunner, A.J.; Clerc, Gaspard; Niemz, Peter (2018). Acoustic emission monitoring of adhesively bonded wood joints under quasistatic and cyclic fatigue mode II flexure loads using end-notch-flexure specimens In: 33rd European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing. Senlis, France. 12-14.09.2018.

Brunner, Andreas J.; Baensch, Franziska; Sause, Markus G. R.; Zauner, Michaela; Niemz, Peter (2015). Schallemissionsanalyse und Synchrotron- basierte Mikrotomografie an verklebten Miniatur-Zugprüfkörpern aus Fichtenholz In: 20. Kolloquium Schallenemission. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. 18.-19.06.2015.

Bucher, Christof; Bohren, Andreas; Hess, Donat; El Hassani, Sara; Hügi, Matthias (22 September 2023). Two-Dimensional Representation of the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function of Photovoltaic Modules In: 40th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC). Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. 18.-22. September 2023. 10.4229/EUPVSEC2023/3CO.10.1

Burri, Christian; Al-Nawaiseh, Sami; Schulz, André; Wakili, Philip; Farese, Gerardo; Szurzmann, Peter; Salzmann, Simon Adrian; Brinkmann, Ralph; Povazay, Boris; Meier, Christoph; Frenz, Martin; Stanzel, Boris V. (June 2022). Real-Time Optical Coherence Tomography Controlled Microsecond Laser Retinal Microsurgery: First In-vivo Results Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 63(7), pp. 1-2. Rockville, Maryland: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology

Burri, Christian; Salzmann, Simon Adrian; Wandel, Jasmin; Hoffmann, Leonie; Povazay, Boris; Meier, Christoph; Frenz, Martin (2023). Real-time OCT feedback-controlled RPE photodisruption in ex vivo porcine eyes using 8 microsecond laser pulses Biomedical Optics Express, 14(12), p. 6328. Optica 10.1364/BOE.503941

Bäschlin, Nathalie; Läuchli, Matthias; Fankhauser, Thomas; Palmbach, Cornelius; Hoess, Anita (November 2011). Backing boards and glazing on paintings: Their damping capacity in relation to shock impact and vibration In: ICOM-CC 16th Triennial Conference. Lisbon, Portugal. 19. - 23.9.2011.

Bäschlin, Nathalie; Läuchli, Matthias; Palmbach, Cornelius; Hoess, Anita; Ryser, Marcel; Fankhauser, Thomas; Sautter, Katharina (2015). Der Teufel steckt im Detail – Zur Praxisanwendung der Forschungsergebnisse Transport fragiler Gemälde Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung, 29(2), pp. 211-222. Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft

Bühler, Marcel; Häni, Christoph; Ammann, Christof; Brönnimann, Stefan; Kupper, Thomas (2022). Using the inverse dispersion method to determine methane emissions from biogas plants and wastewater treatment plants with complex source configurations Atmospheric Environment: X, 13, p. 100161. Elsevier 10.1016/j.aeaoa.2022.100161

Bühler, Marcel; Häni, Christoph; Ammann, Christof; Mohn, Joachim; Neftel, Albrecht; Schrade, Sabine; Zähner, Michael; Zeyer, Kerstin; Brönnimann, Stefan; Kupper, Thomas (2021). Assessment of the inverse dispersion method for the determination of methane emissions from a dairy housing Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 307, p. 108501. Elsevier 10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108501

Bühler, Marcel; Häni, Christoph; Kupper, Thomas; Ammann, Christof; Brönnimann, Stefan (4 May 2020). Quantification of methane emissions from waste water treatment plants In: EGU General Assembly 2020 : Sharing Geoscience Online. Munich: EGU 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-13389


Cam, Peter; Sivillica, Fabio; Hänni, Simon; Orlando, Fabrizio; Ohr, Steffen; Schoelkopf, Joachim; Schwaller, Patrick (27 June 2019). Cleaning surfaces from food residues with pulsed laser In: World of Photonics Congress 2019. München. 23. - 27. Juni 2019.

Chaja, MichalinA; Laporte, Gregoire; Cam, Peter; Remund, Stefan; Neuenschwander, Beat; Molpeceres, Carlos; Narazaki, Aiko; Qiao, Jie (2021). Ultra-short pulses at high average power in the Laser MicroJet In: Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XXVI (p. 43). SPIE 10.1117/12.2585550

Clerc, Gaspard; Brunner, Andreas J.; Josset, Sébastien; Niemz, Peter; Pichelin, Frédéric; Van de Kuilen, Jan Willem G. (2019). Adhesive wood joints under quasi-static and cyclic fatigue fracture Mode II loads International Journal of Fatigue, 123, pp. 40-52. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.02.008

Clerc, Gaspard; Niemz, Peter; Brunner, Andreas J; Van de Kuilen, Jan-Willem G. (March 2019). Anwendung geführter Wellen aus der Überprüfung der Sensorkopplung für die Bestimmung von Prüfkörpereigenschaften und Schädigungsgrad In: 22. Kolloquium Schallemission und 3. Anwenderseminar Zustandsüberwachung mit geführten Wellen. Deutschen Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung


Förster, Daniel J.; Jäggi, Beat; Michalowski, Andreas; Neuenschwander, Beat (2021). Review on Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Ultra-Short Pulsed Laser Ablation of Metals with Burst Pulses Materials, 14(12), p. 3331. 10.3390/ma14123331


Gafner, Markus; Kramer, Thorsten; Remund, Stefan; Holtz, Ronald; Neuenschwander, Beat (2021). Ultrafast pulsed laser high precision micromachining of rotational symmetric parts Journal of Laser Applications, 33(1), 012053. 10.2351/7.0000324

Gafner, Markus; Remund, Stefan; Chaja, Michalina; Neuenschwander, Beat (2021). High-rate laser processing with ultrashort laser pulses by combination of diffractive elements with synchronized galvo scanning Advanced Optical Technologies, 10(4-5), pp. 333-352. De gruyter 10.1515/aot-2021-0035

Gafner, Markus; Remund, Stefan Marco; Chaja, Michalina; Mähne, Torsten; Neuenschwander, Beat (2020). Ultrafast stamping by combination of synchronized galvanometer scanning with DOE’s or SLM Procedia CIRP, 94, pp. 802-806. 10.1016/j.procir.2020.09.126

Gaggero, Pascal; Adler, Andy; Waldmann, Andreas D.; Justiz, Jörn; Koch, Volker M.; Mamatjan, Yasin (2015). Automated robust test framework for electrical impedance tomography Physiological Measurements, 36(6), pp. 1227-1244. IOPSCIENCE 10.1088/0967-3334/36/6/1227

Gariglio, Federico; Schnider, Thomas; Niemz, Peter; Ghazi Wakili, Karim; Brombacher, Volker (2015). Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchung des hygrothermischen Verhaltens von Flachdachelementen mit Hohlkastensystem Bauphysik, 37(1), pp. 17-30. 10.1002/bapi.201510002

Geiser, Martin (2018). Neue Lösungen für den Holzbau. Erdbeben und Qualitätssicherung In: S-Win-Tagung 2018, Von der Forschung zur Praxis. Biel/Bienne, Switzerland. 16.05.2018.

Gereke, Thomas; Schnider, Thomas; Hurst, Andreas; Niemz, Peter (2009). Identification of moisture-induced stresses in cross-laminated wood panels from beech wood (Fagus sylvatica L.) Wood Science and Technology, 43(3-4), pp. 301-315. Springer Nature 10.1007/s00226-008-0218-1

Gfeller, B.; Zanetti, M.; Properzi, M.; Pizzi, A.; Pichelin, Frédéric; Lehmann, Martin; Delmotte, L. (2003). Wood bonding by vibrational welding Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 17(11), pp. 1573-1589. 10.1163/156856103769207419

Grosse, Charlotte; Noël, Marion; Thévenon, Marie-France; Gérardin, Philippe (2019). Improvement of Modified Wood Properties with Addition of Chestnut Tannins in Lactic Acid-Based Treatments Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 39(2), pp. 124-135. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/02773813.2018.1513035

Grosse, Charlotte; Spear, Morwenna; Curling, Simon F.; Noël, Marion; Rautkari, Lauri; Uimonen, Tuuli; Gérardin, Philippe (2018). Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis of wood modified with bio- polyesters In: 9th European Conference on Wood Modification. Arnhem, The Netherlands. 17.-18.09.2018.

Güntekin, Ergün; Aydın, Tuğba Yılmaz; Niemz, Peter (2015). Prediction of compression properties in three orthotropic directions for some important Turkish wood species using ultrasound BioResources, 10(4), pp. 7252-7262. North Carolina State University


Hain, Caroline; Brown, David; Welsh, Alexander; Wieczerzak, Krzystof; Weiss, Robert; Michler, Johann; Hessler-Wyser, Aicha; Nelis, Thomas (2022). From pulsed-DCMS and HiPIMS to microwave plasma-assisted sputtering: Their influence on the properties of diamond-like carbon films Surface and Coatings Technology, 432, p. 127928. Elsevier 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2021.127928

Hain, Caroline; Schweizer, Peter; Sturm, Patrick; Brozi, Aurelio; Thomet, Jonathan; Micher, Johann; Hessler-Wyser, Aicha; Nelis, Thomas (2023). Microwave plasma-assisted reactive HiPIMS of InN films: Plasma environment and material characterisation Surface and Coatings Technology, 454, p. 129188. Elsevier 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2022.129188

Hendriks, Laura; Caseri, Walter; Ferreira, Ester S. B.; Scherrer, Nadim; Zumbühl, Stefan; Küffner, Markus; Hajdas, Irka; Wacker, Lukas; Synal, Hans-Arno; Günther, Detlef (2020). The Ins and Outs of 14 C Dating Lead White Paint for Artworks Application Analytical Chemistry, 92(11), pp. 7674-7682. ACS American Chemical Society 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c00530

Hendriks, Laura; Hajdas, Irka; Scherrer, Nadim; Ferreira, Ester S. B.; Zumbühl, Stefan; Smith, Gregory D.; Welte, Caroline; Wacker, Lukas; Synal, Hans-Arno; Günther, Detlef (2019). Uncovering modern art forgeries. Inconsistencies between the canvas and the organic binder with 14C dating (Annual Report, Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics 2019). Basel: Librum Publishers & Editors

Hendriks, Laura Sharon; Hajdas, Irka; Scherrer, Nadim; Zumbühl, Stefan; Stenger, Jens; Welte, Caroline; Synal, Hans-Arno; Günther, Detlef (2021). Advances and limitations of 14C dating in the field of heritage sciences Technè, 52(52), pp. 111-117. Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France 10.4000/techne.10278

Hennig, Guido; Resing, Markus; Mattheus, Stefan; Neuenschwander, Beat; Brüning, Stephan (2011). Laser Microstructuring and Processing in Printing Industry In: CLEO: Applications and Technology (AMD4). Washington, D.C.: OSA 10.1364/CLEO_AT.2011.AMD4

Hirsiger, Thomas; Gafner, Markus; Remund, Stefan M.; Chaja, Michalina W.; Urniezius, Aivaras; Butkus, Simas; Neuenschwander, Beat; Račiukaitis, Gediminas; Molpeceres, Carlos; Narazaki, Aiko; Qiao, Jie (2020). Machining metals and silicon with GHz bursts: Surprising tremendous reduction of the specific removal rate for surface texturing applications In: Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XXV (p. 27). SPIE 10.1117/12.2543948

Hofmann, Martin; Haeberlin, Andreas; de Brot, Simone; Stahel, Andreas; Keppner, Herbert; Burger, Jürgen (2023). Development and evaluation of a titanium-based planar ultrasonic scalpel for precision surgery Ultrasonics, 130, p. 106927. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ultras.2023.106927

Hongler, Max-Olivier; Rodriguez, Julio (2023). Comme une bouteille à la mer... échouée au bord du Léman In: Ginoux, Jean-Marc; Jovanovic, Franck (eds.) Yves Rocard: Portrait d'un grand physicien oublié (pp. 129-145). Paris: Hermann


Inniger, Dominik; Poretti, Alessio; Ryser, Manuel; Meier, Christoph; Rathjen, Christian; Feurer, Thomas (2022). Corneal absorption spectra in the deep UV range Jornal of Biomedical Optics, 27(2), pp. 1-11. S P I E - International Society for Optical Engineering 10.1117/1.JBO.27.2.025004


Jack, Stefan (2023). Holzbau – eine Vision für 2035 spirit biel/bienne: Das Magazin der technischen Disziplinen der Berner Fachhochschule(1), pp. 22-23. Berner Fachhochschule BFH, Architektur, Holz und Bau/Technik und Informatik

Jaeggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat; Hunziker, Urs; Zuercher, Joseph; Meier, Thomas; Zimmermann, Markus; Hennig, G. (2012). High precision and high throughput surface structuring by synchronizing mechanical axes with an ultra short pulsed laser system in MOPA arrangement In: ICALEO® 2012: 31st International Congress on Laser Materials Processing, Laser Microprocessing and Nanomanufacturing (pp. 1046-1053). Laser Institute of America 10.2351/1.5062381

Jaeggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat; Hunziker, Urs; Zuercher, Joseph; Meier, Thomas; Zimmermann, Markus; Selbmann, Karl-Heinz; Hennig, Guido (2012). Ultra-high-precision surface structuring by synchronizing a galvo scanner with an ultra-short-pulsed laser system in MOPA arrangement In: SPIE LASE. San Francisco, California, USA. 15.02.2012. 10.1117/12.909844

Jaeggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat; Meier, T.; Zimmermann, M.; Hennig, G. (2013). High Precision Surface Structuring with Ultra-Short Laser Pulses and Synchronized Mechanical Axes Physics Procedia, 41, pp. 319-326. Elsevier 10.1016/j.phpro.2013.03.084

Jaeggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat; Meier, Thomas; Zimmermann, Markus; Hennig, Guido (2013). High throughput laser micro machining on a rotating cylinder with ultra short pulses at highest precision In: SPIE LASE (86070E). SPIE 10.1117/12.2004099

Jaeggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat; Schmid, Marc; Muralt, Martin; Zuercher, Joseph C.; Hunziker, Urs (2011). Influence of the Pulse Duration in the ps-Regime on the Ablation Efficiency of Metals Physics Procedia, 12, pp. 164-171. Elsevier 10.1016/j.phpro.2011.03.118

Jaeggi, Beat; Neuenschwander, Beat; Zimmermann, Markus; Penning, L.; deLoor, R.; Weingarten, K.; Oehler, A. (2014). High-throughput and high-precision laser micromachining with ps-pulses in synchronized mode with a fast polygon line scanner In: SPIE LASE. San Francisco, California, United States. 06.04.2014. 10.1117/12.2037379

Johansson, Leena-Sisko; Campbell, J.M.; Hänninen, Toumas; Ganne-Chédeville, Christelle; Vuorinen, Tapani; Hughes, Mark; Laine, Janne (2012). XPS and the medium-dependent surface adaptation of cellulose in wood Surface and Interface Analysis, 44(8), pp. 899-903. Wiley 10.1002/sia.4839


Kanazawa, F.; Pizzi, A.; Properzi, M.; Delmotte, L.; Pichelin, Frédéric (2005). Parameters influencing wood-dowel welding by high-speed rotation Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 19(12), pp. 1025-1038. 10.1163/156856105774382444

Klügl, Johanna; Hafner, Albert; Di Pietro, Giovanna (September 2017). Towards a description of the degradation of archaeological birch bark In: Icom-CC 18th Triennial Conference 2017 Copenhagen. Paris: International Council of Museums

Koch, R.; Evekull, D.; Harris, C.; Neuenschwander, Beat (2003). Diode-pumped miniature lasers using microstructured transparent carriers In: 2003 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO/Europe 2003) (p. 36). IEEE 10.1109/CLEOE.2003.1312098

Kochetkova, Tatiana; Groetsch, Alexander; Indermaur, Michael; Peruzzi, Cinzia; Remund, Stefan; Neuenschwander, Beat; Bellon, Benjamin; Michler, Johann; Zysset, Philippe; Schwiedrzik, Jakob (2022). Assessing minipig compact jawbone quality at the microscale Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 134, p. 105405. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2022.105405

Kolb, Hanspeter (2017). Hinterlüftete und nicht hinterlüftete Aussenwandbekleidung - ein Überblick In: 49. Fortbildungskurs S-WIN: Holzbau heute - effizient, geschützt und dauerhaft. Weinfelden, Schweiz. 24.-25.10.2017.

Kramer, Thorsten; Remund, Stefan Marco; Chaja, Michalina; Gafner, M.; Maehne, T.; Neuenschwander, Beat (2019). High Throughput and High Quality Surface Texturing with Ultrafast Lasers In: Laser Applications Conference (CW1C.5). Washington, D.C.: OSA 10.1364/LAC.2019.CW1C.5

Kümmin, Peter; Niemz, Peter; Pichelin, Frédéric (6 February 2009). Einfluss der Holzfeuchte auf die Verklebungsgüte Holz-Zentralblatt(6), pp. 29-30. DRW-Verlag

Künniger, Tina; Clerc, Gaspard; Josset, Sébastien; Niemz, Peter; Pichelin, Frédéric; van de Kuilen, Jan-Willem G. (2019). Influence of humidity and frequency on the energy dissipation in wood adhesives International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 92, pp. 99-104. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2019.05.003


Lapeyre, L.; Wieczerzak, K.; Hain, Caroline; Metzger, J.; Sharma, A.; Bensaoula, Abdelhak; Michler, J.; Nelis, Thomas (2022). Influence of HiPIMS pulse widths on the deposition behaviour and properties of CuAgZr compositionally graded films Surface and Coatings Technology, 450, p. 129002. Elsevier 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2022.129002

Lapeyre, Léo; Hain, Caroline; Sturm, Patrick; Metzger, Janos; Borzi, Aurelio; Wieczerzak, Krzysztof; Raynaud, Patrice; Michler, Johann; Nelis, Thomas (2023). Deposition and characterisation of c-axis oriented AlScN thin films via microwave plasma-assisted reactive HiPIMS Surface and Coatings Technology, 464, p. 129540. Elsevier 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2023.129540

Lauer, Benjamin; Neuenschwander, Beat; Jaeggi, Beat; Schmid, Marc (2013). From fs – ns: Influence of the pulse duration onto the material removal rate and machining quality for metals In: ICALEO® 2013: 32nd International Congress on Laser Materials Processing, Laser Microprocessing and Nanomanufacturing (pp. 763-770). Laser Institute of America 10.2351/1.5062963

Le Coultre, Sylvain David (12 May 2022). Improved tribological properties of carbon coatings by pulsed laser hardening (Unpublished). In: Technische Fachtagung SGO / SST-Journée Technique 2022. Biel-Bienne. 12.05.2022.

Lehmann, Martin; Clerc, Gaspard; Lehringer, C.; Strahm, T.; Volkmer, Thomas (2018). Investigation of the bond quality and the finger joint strength of beech glulam In: World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2018). Seoul, Republic of Korea. 20.-23.08.2018.

Lehmann, Martin; Schlegel, S.; Ammann, S.; Beyer, M.; Aeh, K.; Jung, H.; Niemz, Peter (2016). Investigation of the bond quality of semi industrially produced ash glulam In: World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2016). Vienna, Austria. 22.-25.08.2016.

Lehmann, Martin; Volkmer, Thomas (2014). Influence of micro structured surface on the bond quality of hardwood In: World Conference on Timber Engineering 2014. Quebec City, Canada. 10.-14.08.2014.

Liang, D; Haeberlin, A (2020). Combining deep learning method with optical coherence tomography for ablation lesion assessment EP Europace, 22(Supple) Oxford Academics

Lichtblau, Dirk; Dobrusskin, Sebastian; Blüher, Agnes (2009). Das SurveNIR-System zur Bewertung des Zustands und des Alterungsverhaltens von Papier Bern: Eigenverlag

Ligterink, Frank; Di Pietro, Giovanna (2018). The limited impact of acetic acid in archives and libraries Heritage Science, 6(59), pp. 1-12. Springer 10.1186/s40494-018-0225-y

Läuchli, Matthias; Bäschlin, Nathalie; Hoess, Anita; Fankhauser, Thomas; Palmbach, Cornelius; Ryser, Marcel (2014). Packing systems for paintings: Damping capacity in relation to transport-induced shock and vibration In: ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference. Melbourne, Australia. 15.-17.9.2014.

Läuchli, Matthias; Bäschlin, Nathalie; Palmbach, Cornelius; Fankhauser, Thomas; Ryser, Marcel; Sautter, Katharina (2017). Strategy of measurement and data analysis for monitoring during the transportation of paintings (Unpublished). In: Eastern Analytical Symposium (EAS). Plainsboro Township, NJ. 13. - 15.11.2017.

Läuchli, Matthias; Bäschlin, Nathalie; Palmbach, Cornelius; Ryser, Marcel; Fankhauser, Thomas; Hoess, Anita (2015). Vibrationen – kleine Erschütterungen millionenfach Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung, 29(2), pp. 223-236. Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft


Mannes, David; Lehmann, Eberhard; von Steiger, Adrian (2016). Untersuchungen von historischen Blechblasinstrumenten mittels Neutronen-Imaging In: Allenbach, Daniel; von Steiger, Adrian; Skamletz, Martin (eds.) Romantic Brass. Französische Hornpraxis und historisch informierter Blechblasinstrumentenbau. Musikforschung der HKB: Vol. 13 (pp. 439-445). Schliengen: Edition Argus

Mayer, Ingo (2019). VOC-Emissionen aus mehrschichtigen Wand- und Deckenelementen in Holz-Rahmenbauweise HolzBauSpezial Bauphysik & Gebäudetechnik, 10, pp. 421-431. Forum Holzbau

Mayer, Ingo; Bianchi, Sauro (2019). Für den Fahrzeugleichtbau - biobasierte Werkstoffe spirit biel/bienne, 3, pp. 26-27. BFH

Mayer, Ingo; Selbmann, Karl-Heinz (2019). 3D drucken mit Holz Spirit biel/bienne, 1, p. 16. BFH

Metzger, Christoph; Sanahuja, Solange; Behrends, Lisa; Sängerlaub, Sven; Lindner, Martina; Briesen, Heiko (2018). Efficiently Extracted Cellulose Nanocrystals and Starch Nanoparticles and Techno-Functional Properties of Films Made Thereof Coatings, 8(4), p. 142. MDPI 10.3390/coatings8040142

Michel Leban, Jean; Pizzi, Antonio; Properzi, Milena; Pichelin, Frédéric; Gelhaye, Pierre; Rose, Christophe (2005). Wood welding: A challenging alternative to conventional wood gluing Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 20(6), pp. 534-538. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/02827580500432305

Miesbauer, Oliver; Kiese, Sandra; Hellstern, Sabrina; Sharma, Kyra; Sanahuja, Solange; Kücükpinar, Esra; Noller, Klaus (2012). Kombination von Barrierelacken mit anorganischen Schichten zur Anwendung in flexiblen Verkapselungsmaterialien für Vakuumisolationspaneele In: Thementage Grenz- und Oberflächentechnik: ThGOT 2012 und 3. Optik-Kolloquium Dünne Schichten in der Optik (pp. 42-46). Freising: Fraunhofer IVV

Munier, Leo F.; Franke, Tom; Herold, Nadine; Pfriem, Alexander (2020). Humidity's Effect on the Dynamic-mechanical Behavior of Phenol-formaldehyde Impregnated Beech Wood Veneer BioResources, 15(1), pp. 1563-1574. North Carolina State University 10.15376/biores.15.1.1563-1574


Neuenschwander, Beat (2021). Laser Micromachining In: Handbook of Laser Technology and Applications. Handbook of Laser Technology and Applications: Vol. III (pp. 47-69). 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742: CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group

Neuenschwander, Beat; Albers, P.; Weber, H. P. (1992). Efficient multiple-longitudinally diode laser pumped Nd:YAG slab laser Optical and Quantum Electronics, 24(3), pp. 363-370. Springer 10.1007/BF00619408

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