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Haiduk, Marina (2018). Prüfsteine des Betrachters. Felice Brusasorci und die Tradition der pietra di paragone als Bildträger In: Nevidíme, co nevíme: sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní konference studentů doktorských programů = We cannot see what we do not know: the proceedings of the international conference for doctoral students (pp. 81-87). Prag: Katolická teologická fakulta, Univerzita Karlova
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Haiduk, Marina (2019). Kat. 48. Astolfo Petrazzi (1580 - 1653) "Der Genius der Künste (Amor als Sieger)", erste Hälfte 17. Jahrhundert In: Wege des Barock. Die Nationalgalerien Barberini Corsini in Rom (pp. 200-201). München: Prestel
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Hendriks, Laura; Caseri, Walter; Ferreira, Ester S. B.; Scherrer, Nadim; Zumbühl, Stefan; Küffner, Markus; Hajdas, Irka; Wacker, Lukas; Synal, Hans-Arno; Günther, Detlef (2020). The Ins and Outs of 14 C Dating Lead White Paint for Artworks Application Analytical Chemistry, 92(11), pp. 7674-7682. ACS American Chemical Society 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c00530
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Konietzny, Mona; Dudew, Ella; Haller, Ursula; Scherrer, Nadim; Soppa, Karolina (2022). Klebstoffgitter aus Methylcellulosen für die Konservierung textiler Bildträger: Anwendungseigenschaften und Kennwerte im Vergleich zu Verklebungen mit BEVA® 371-Filmen Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung(1), pp. 180-194. Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft
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Läuchli, Matthias; Bäschlin, Nathalie; Hoess, Anita; Fankhauser, Thomas; Palmbach, Cornelius; Ryser, Marcel (2014). Packing systems for paintings: Damping capacity in relation to transport-induced shock and vibration In: ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference. Melbourne, Australia. 15.-17.9.2014.
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Moretti, Patrizia; Zumbühl, Stefan; Scherrer, Nadim; Piqué, Francesca (2023). Traditional and modern pigments in Gino Severini's Swiss murals Color Research & Application, 49(1), pp. 124-143. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/col.22870
Murgia, Valeria-Santina; Soppa, Karolina (2022). Sealing Effect of Aliphatic Solvents and Cyclododecane Solutions During Adhesion of Flaking Paint with Methylcellulose International Journal of Conservation Science, 13, pp. 1603-1622. Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iasi * Arheoinvest Interdisciplinary Platform. Laboratory of Scientific Investigation & Conservation
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Ritler, Magdalena; Soppa, Karolina; Eysler, Angela; Scherrer, Nadim (22 September 2023). Liquid methylcellulose foam as an adhesive-filler for lifted stiff paint flakes: The case study of <em>La Salle des Cariatides au Louvre</em> In: ICOM-CC 20th Triennial Conference: Working Towards a Sustainable Past. Valencia. 18–22 September 2023.
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Zumbühl, Stefan; Brändle, Andreas; Hochuli, Andreas; Scherrer, Nadim; Caseri, Walter (2017). Derivatization Technique To Identify Specifically Carbonyl Groups by Infrared Spectroscopy: Characterization of Photooxidative Aging Products in Terpenes and Terpeneous Resins Analytical Chemistry, 89(3), pp. 1742-1748. American Chemical Society 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b04008
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Zumbühl, Stefan; Hochuli, Andreas; Soulier, Jacques Balthazar; Scherrer, Nadim (2017). Fluorination technique to identify the type of resin in aged vanishes and lacquers using infrared spectroscopy Microchemical Journal, 134, pp. 317-326. 10.1016/j.microc.2017.06.013
Zumbühl, Stefan; Scherrer, Nadim (2010). Die Auswirkungen der morphologischen Strukturveränderungen auf die Materialeigenschaften von Dispersionsfarben Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung, 24, pp. 76-87. Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft
Zumbühl, Stefan; Scherrer, Nadim; Berger, Alfons; Eggenberger, Urs (2009). Early Viridian pigment composition characterization of a (hydrated) chromium oxide borate pigment Studies in Conservation, 54, pp. 149-159. DOI: 10.1179/sic.2009.54.3.149
Zumbühl, Stefan; Scherrer, Nadim; Eggenberger, Urs; Berger, Alfons; Gross, Markus; Ferreira, Ester S. B. (14 May 2009). Early viridian pigment composition found in paintings by Van Gogh and contemporary artists: chemical and morphological characterisation of a vitreous (hydrated) chromium oxide borate pigment In: Eu-ARTECH Symposium on Van Gogh and Contemporaries. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 14-15 May 2009.
Zumbühl, Stefan; Scherrer, Nadim; Engel, N. L.; Mueller, W. (2014). The kinetics of dissolution of varnishes: The influence of vapour pressure on the rate of solvent action In: Bridgland, J. (ed.) ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference, 2014 Melbourne, Scientific Research (Art. 1610, 11). Melbourne: International Council of Museums
Zumbühl, Stefan; Scherrer, Nadim; Ferreira, Ester S. B.; Hons, Sandra; Müller, Martina; Kuehnen, Renate; Navi, Parviz (2011). Accelerated ageing of drying oil paint - an FTIR study on the chemical alteration: problems of accelerated ageing under variable conditions of light, temperature and relative humidity Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung, 25, pp. 339-351. Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft
Zumbühl, Stefan; Scherrer, Nadim; Müller, Wolfgang (2014). Derivatisation technique for infrared spectroscopy - characterisation of oxidative ageing products in modern oil paints In: Van den Berg, Klaas Jan; Burnstock, Aviva; de Keijzer, Mathijs; Krueger, Jay W.; Learner, Tom; de Tagle, Alberto; Heydenreich, Gunnar (eds.) Issues in Contemporary Oil Paint (pp. 213-225). Springer Verlag