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Number of items at this level: 78.

Brockmann, Lars; Hunt, Kenneth James (2023). Heart rate variability changes with respect to time and exercise intensity during heart-rate-controlled steady-state treadmill running Scientific Reports, 13(1), 8515/1-10. Springer 10.1038/s41598-023-35717-0

Gupta, Nishant; Simmen, Patrizia; Trachsel, Daniel; Haeberlin, Andreas; Jost, Kerstin; Niederhauser, Thomas (2023). Respiratory rate estimation from multi-channel signals using auto-regulated adaptive extended Kalman filter Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 84, p. 104977. Elsevier 10.1016/j.bspc.2023.104977

Mueller, Gabi; Aszalos, Elöd; Krause, Sven; Niederhauser, Thomas; Slavei, Krisztina; Baumberger, Michael E (2023). Safety and Feasibility of Noninvasive Electromagnetic Stimulation of the Phrenic Nerves Respiratory Care, 68(5), pp. 602-610. American Association for Respiratory Care 10.4187/respcare.10568

Kaufmann, Elisa Maria; Krause, Sven; Geisshüsler, Lukas; Scheidegger, Olivier; Haeberlin, Andreas; Niederhauser, Thomas (2023). Feasibility of transesophageal phrenic nerve stimulation BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 22(1) Springer Nature 10.1186/s12938-023-01071-5

Wang, Hanjie; Hunt, Kenneth James (2023). Self-paced heart rate control for treadmill exercise Frontiers in Control Engineering, 4(115816) Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fcteg.2023.1158164

Fang, Juan; Haldimann, Michael; Hunt, Kenneth James (29 July 2022). Development of a Belt-actuated Robotic Platform for Early Rehabilitation In: 2022 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR). Rotterdam, the Netherlands. 25-29 July, 2022. 10.1109/ICORR55369.2022.9896508

Salzmann, Simon Adrian; Burri, Christian; Al-Nawaiseh, Sami; Wakili, Philip; Meier, Christoph (1 June 2022). Optical Coherence Tomography Navigated Laser Retinopexy for Retinal Breaks Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, IOVS, Abstract Issue, 63(7). Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) ; HighWire Press

Al-Nawaiseh, Sami; Burri, Christian; Schulz, André; Wakili, Philip; Farese, Gerardo; Kroetz, Christina; Salzmann, Simon Adrian; Brinkmann, Ralf; Gasparini, Sylvia J.; Povazay, Boris; Frenz, Martin; Szurman, Peter; Ader, Marius; Stanzel, Boris (1 June 2022). Short-term follow up after Large-Area RPE Removal by Microsecond Laser followed by hiPS-RPE suspension transplantation in rabbits nvestigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 63. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science

Stanzel, Boris; Burri, Christian; Al-Nawaiseh, Sami; Wakili, Philip; Gasparini, Sylvia; Farese, Gerardo; Kroetz, Christina; Greber, Boris; Meier, Christoph; Frenz, Martin; Szurman, Peter; Schulz, André; Ader, Marius (1 June 2022). Large-Area RPE Removal by Microsecond Laser followed by hiPS-RPE transplantation Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, IOVS, Abstract Issue, 63(7). Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) ; HighWire Press

Burri, Christian; Al-Nawaiseh, Sami; Schulz, André; Wakili, Philip; Farese, Gerardo; Szurzmann, Peter; Salzmann, Simon Adrian; Brinkmann, Ralph; Povazay, Boris; Meier, Christoph; Frenz, Martin; Stanzel, Boris V. (June 2022). Real-Time Optical Coherence Tomography Controlled Microsecond Laser Retinal Microsurgery: First In-vivo Results Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 63(7), pp. 1-2. Rockville, Maryland: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology

Ryser, Adrian; Schmid, Tobias; Bereuter, Lukas; Burger, Jurgen; Reichlin, Tobias; Niederhauser, Thomas; Haeberlin, Andreas (2022). Modulation Scheme Analysis for Low-Power Leadless Pacemaker Synchronization Based on Conductive Intracardiac Communication IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 16(3), pp. 419-429. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 10.1109/TBCAS.2022.3178444

Spörri, Alexander H.; Wang, Hanjie; Hunt, Kenneth James (2022). Heart Rate Dynamics Identification and Control in Cycle Ergometer Exercise: Comparison of First- and Second-Order Performance Frontiers in Control Engineering, 3, pp. 1-9. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fcteg.2022.894180

Chrif, Farouk; van Hedel, Hubertus J.A.; Vivian, Mauro; Nef, Tobias; Hunt, Kenneth James (2022). Usability evaluation of an interactive leg press training robot for children with neuromuscular impairments Technology and Health Care, 30(5), pp. 1183-1197. IOS Press 10.3233/THC-213629

Brockmann, Lars; Wang, Hanjie; Hunt, Kenneth James (2022). Time dependence of heart rate variability during treadmill running Systems Science & Control Engineering, 10(1), pp. 436-442. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/21642583.2022.2068166

Stutzer, Diego; Hofmann, Martin; Wenger, Dominik; Harmouch, Khaled; Lenoir, Deirdré; Burger, Jürgen; Niederhauser, Thomas (2022). Characterization and modeling of a planar ultrasonic piezoelectric transducer for periodontal scalers Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 351, p. 114131. Elsevier 10.1016/j.sna.2022.114131

Fang, Juan; Hunt, Kenneth James (2021). Mechanical Design and Control System Development of a Rehabilitation Robotic System for Walking With Arm Swing Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 2 Frontiers Media SA 10.3389/fresc.2021.720182

Bürgin, Corine; Simmen, Patrizia; Gupta, Nishant; Suter, Lilian; Kreuzer, Samuel; Haeberlin, Andreas; Schulzke, Sven M.; Trachsel, Daniel; Niederhauser, Thomas; Jost, Kerstin (2021). Multichannel esophageal signals to monitor respiratory rate in preterm infants Pediatric Research, 91(3), pp. 572-580. Springer 10.1038/s41390-021-01748-4

Wang, Hanjie; Hunt, Kenneth James (2021). Heart rate control using first- and second-order models during treadmill exercise Systems Science & Control Engineering, 9(1), pp. 651-662. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/21642583.2021.1976304

Fang, Juan; Schuwey, Andras; Stocker, Niklaus; Pedrini, Brian; Sampaio, Antonio; Hunt, Kenneth James (2021). Preliminary development and technical evaluation of a belt-actuated robotic rehabilitation platform Technology and Health Care, 29(3), pp. 595-607. IOS Press 10.3233/THC-202392

Fang, Juan; Haldimann, Michael; Marchal-Crespo, Laura; Hunt, Kenneth James (2021). Development of an active cable-driven, force-controlled robotic system for walking rehabilitation Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 15 Frontiers Media SA 10.3389/fnbot.2021.651177

Wang, Hanjie; Hunt, Kenneth James (2021). Identification of heart rate dynamics during treadmill exercise: comparison of first- and second-order models BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 20(1) BioMed Central 10.1186/s12938-021-00875-7

Simmen, Patrizia; Kreuzer, Samuel; Thomet, Manuel; Suter, Lilian; Jesacher, Barbara; Tran, Phuong-Anh; Haeberlin, Andreas; Schulzke, Sven; Jost, Kerstin; Niederhauser, Thomas (2020). Multichannel Esophageal Heart Rate Monitoring of Preterm Infants IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 68(6), pp. 1903-1912. IEEE 10.1109/TBME.2020.3030162

Kuert, Gerhard Frédéric; Jacomet, Marcel; Niederhauser, Thomas (27 July 2019). Efficient Thermobonding Process Forming a Polyurethane Based Diagnostic Catheter with Liquid Crystal Polymer In: Engineering in Medicine and Biology, EBMC'19 (pp. 6163-6166). IEEE 10.1109/EMBC.2019.8857913

Vasireddy, Rakesh; Goette, Josef; Jacomet, Marcel; Vogt, Andreas (23 July 2019). Estimation of Arterial Pulse Wave Velocity from Doppler Radar Measurements: a Feasibility Study In: International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 5460-5464). IEEE 10.1109/EMBC.2019.8857644

Hunt, Kenneth James; Zahnd, Andreas; Grunder, Reto (2019). A unified heart rate control approach for cycle ergometer and treadmill exercise Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 54, p. 101601. 10.1016/j.bspc.2019.101601

Bereuter, Lukas; Niederhauser, Thomas; Kucera, Martin; Loosli, Dominic; Steib, Immanuel; Schildknecht, Marcel; Zurbuchen, Adrian; Noti, Fabian; Tanner, Hildegard; Reichlin, Tobias; Haeberlin, Andreas (2019). Leadless cardiac resynchronization therapy: An in vivo proof-of-concept study of wireless pacemaker synchronization Heart Rhythm, 16(6), pp. 936-942. Elsevier

Sweda, Romy; Wildhaber, Reto A.; Mortier, Simone; Bruegger, Dominik; Niederhauser, Thomas; Goette, Josef; Jacomet, Marcel; Tanner, Hildegard; Haeberlin, Andreas (2019). Toward a novel semi‐invasive activation mapping tool for the diagnosis of supraventricular arrhythmias from the esophagus Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology, 24(5) Wiley 10.1111/anec.12652

Hunt, Kenneth James; Grunder, Reto; Zahnd, Andreas (2019). Identification and comparison of heart-rate dynamics during cycle ergometer and treadmill exercise PLoS One, 14(8), e0220826. Public Library of Science (PLoS) 10.1371/journal.pone.0220826

Chrif, Farouk; Nef, Tobias; Hunt, Kenneth James (2019). Technical feasibility of constant-load and high-intensity interval training for cardiopulmonary conditioning using a re-engineered dynamic leg press BMC Biomedical Engineering, 1(1) 10.1186/s42490-019-0025-9

Laubacher, Marco; Aksoez, Efe A.; Brust, Anne K.; Baumberger, Michael; Riener, Robert; Binder-Macleod, Stuart; Hunt, Kenneth James (2019). Stimulation of paralysed quadriceps muscles with sequentially and spatially distributed electrodes during dynamic knee extension Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 16(1), p. 12. 10.1186/s12984-018-0471-y

Aksöz, Efe Anil; Laubacher, Marco; Riener, Robert; Hunt, Kenneth James (2019). Design of an isokinetic knee dynamometer for evaluation of functional electrical stimulation strategies Medical Engineering & Physics, 73, pp. 100-106. Elsevier 10.1016/j.medengphy.2019.07.010

Hunt, Kenneth James; Hurni, Cédric C. (2019). Robust control of heart rate for cycle ergometer exercise Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 57(11), pp. 2471-2482. Springer 10.1007/s11517-019-02034-6

Scheurer, Simon; Koch, Janina Juliana; Kucera, Martin; Bryn, Haakon; Bärtschi, Marcel; Meerstetter, Tobias; Nef, Tobias; Urwyler, Prabitha (2019). Optimization and Technical Validation of the AIDE-MOI Fall Detection Algorithm in a Real-Life Setting with Older Adults Sensors, 19(6), p. 1357. 10.3390/s19061357

Mu, Zaile; Fang, Juan; Zhang, Qiuju (2019). Admittance Control of the Ankle Mechanism in a Rotational Orthosis for Walking with Arm Swing In: 2019 IEEE 16th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR) (pp. 709-714). IEEE 10.1109/ICORR.2019.8779408

Bereuter, Lukas; Gysin, Mirco; Kueffer, Thomas; Kucera, Martin; Niederhauser, Thomas; Fuhrer, Jürg; Heinisch, Paul; Zurbuchen, Adrian; ObristHildegard, Dominik; Tanner, Hildegard; Haeberlin, Andreas (2018). Leadless Dual-Chamber Pacing: A Novel Communication Method for Wireless Pacemaker Synchronization JACC: Basic to Translational Science, 3(6), pp. 813-23. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jacbts.2018.07.009

Wildhaber, Reto A.; Zalmai, Nour; Jacomet, Marcel; Loeliger, Hans-Andrea (2018). Windowed State-Space Filters for Signal Detection and Separation IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 66(14), pp. 3768-3783. 10.1109/TSP.2018.2833804

Bereuter, Lukas; Kuenzle, Timon; Niederhauser, Thomas; Kucera, Martin; Obrist, Dominik; Reichlin, Tobias; Tanner, Hildegard; Haeberlin, Andreas (2018). Fundamental characterization of conductive intracardiac communication for leadless multisite pacemaker systems IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 13(1), pp. 237-247. IEEE 10.1109/TBCAS.2018.2886042

Kaufmann, Daniel; Burri, Christian; Arnold, Patrik; Koch, Volker M.; Meier, Christoph; Povazay, Boris; Justiz, Jörn (2018). Selective retina therapy enhanced with optical coherence tomography for dosimetry control and monitoring: a proof of concept study Biomedical Optics Express, 9(7), p. 3320. OSA Publishing 10.1364/BOE.9.003320

Huang, Huaiqi; Bruschini, Claudio; Antfolk, Christian; Enz, Christian; Li, Tao; Justiz, Jörn; Koch, Volker M. (2018). Automatic hand phantom map generation and detection using decomposition support vector machines BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 17(1) Springer 10.1186/s12938-018-0502-8

Tholl, Maximilien Victor; Haeberlin, Andreas; Meier, Benjamin; Shaheen, Sam; Bereuter, Lukas; Becsek, Barna; Tanner, Hildegard; Niederhauser, Thomas; Zurbuchen, Adrian (2018). An Intracardiac Flow Based Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting Mechanism for Cardiac Pacing IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 66(2), pp. 530-538. IEEE 10.1109/TBME.2018.2849868

Wyss Balmer, Thomas; Vesztergom, Soma; Broekmann, Peter; Stahel, Andreas; Büchler, Philippe (2018). Characterization of the electrical conductivity of bone and its correlation to osseous structure Nature Scientific reports, 8(1), pp. 8601-8608. Springer 10.1038/s41598-018-26836-0

Madi, Sofiane; Bouras, Mohamed Cherif; Haiour, Mohamed; Stahel, Andreas (2018). Pricing of American options, using the Brennan–Schwartz algorithm based on finite elements Applied Mathematics and Computation, 339, pp. 846-852. Elsevier 10.1016/j.amc.2018.06.028

Fountoukidou, Tatiana; Raisin, Philippe; Kaufmann, Daniel; Justiz, Jörn; Sznitman, Raphael; Wolf, Sebastian (2018). Motion-invariant SRT treatment detection from directM-scan OCT imaging International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 13(5), pp. 683-691. 10.1007/s11548-018-1720-z

Meier, Christoph; Karaardic, Hakan; Aymi, Raül; Peev, Strahil G.; Bächler, Erich; Weber, Roger; Witvliet, Willem; Liechti, Felix (2018). What makes Alpine swift ascend at twilight? Novel geolocators reveal year-round flight behaviour Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72(3) Springer 10.1007/s00265-017-2438-6

Haeberlin, Andreas; Schürch, Klaus; Niederhauser, Thomas; Sweda, Romy; Schneider, Marc P.; Obrist, Dominik; Burkhard, Fiona; Clavica, Francesco (2018). Cardiac electrophysiology catheters for electrophysiological assessments of the lower urinary tract. A proof of concept ex vivo study in viable ureters Neurourology and Urodynamics, 38(1), pp. 87-96. 10.1002/nau.23816

Niederhauser, Thomas; Gafner, Elena S.; Cantieni, Tarcisi; Grämiger, Michelle; Haeberlin, Andreas; Obrist, Dominik; Burkhard, Fiona; Clavica, Francesco (2018). Detection and quantification of overactive bladder activity in patients. Can we make it better and automatic? Neurourology and Urodynamics, 37(2), pp. 823-831. 10.1002/nau.23357

Wildhaber, Reto; Zalmai, Nour; Jacomet, Marcel; Loeliger, Hans-Andrea (2017). Signal Detection and Discrimination for Medical Devices Using Windowed State Space Filters In: 2017 13th IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (BioMed) (pp. 125-133). Anaheim, Calgary : ACTA Press: Rita Kiss, Philipp J. Thurne 10.2316/P.2017.852-020

Vasireddy, Radhakrishna Rakesh; Roth, Corinne; Goette, Josef; Jacomet, Marcel; Vogt, Andreas (2017). K-Band Doppler Radar is feasible and accurate to record and asses overnight respiratory rate In: EMBEC & NBC 2017. IFMBE Proceedings: Vol. 65 (pp. 334-337). Singapore: Springer Nature 10.1007/978-981-10-5122-7_84

Kaufmann, Daniel; Burri, Christian; Arnold, Patrik; Koch, Volker M.; Meier, Christoph; Povazay, Boris; Justiz, Jörn (2017). Dosimetry Control and Monitoring of Selective Retina Therapy using Optical Coherence Tomography Proceedings SPIE : Optical Coherence Imaging Techniques and Imaging in Scattering Media II, 10416 SPIE

Mooser, Matthias; Burri, Christian; Stoller, Markus; Luggen, David; Peyer, Michael; Arnold, Patrik; Meier, Christoph; Povazay, Boris (2017). Quantitative, Simultaneous & Collinear Eye-Tracked, High Dynamic Range Optical Coherence Tomography at 850 and 1060 nm Proceedings SPIE : Author Information Find other works by these authors Optical Coherence Imaging Techniques and Imaging in Scattering Media II, 10416, p. 20. SPIE 10.1117/12.2286090

Niederhauser, Thomas; Haeberlin, Andreas; Jesacher, Barbara; Fischer, Andreas; Tanner, Hildegard (2017). Model-based delineation of non-uniformly sampled ECG signals Computing in Cardiology, 44, pp. 1-4. 10.22489/CinC.2017.241-003

Zalmai, Nour; Wildhaber, Reto; Clausen, Desiree; Loeliger, Hans-Andrea (March 2016). Inferring depolarization of cells from 3D-electrode measurements using a bank of linear state space models In: The 41st IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Shanghai. 20.03.2016 - 25.03.2016. 10.1109/ICASSP.2016.7472294

Li, Tao; Huang, Huaiqi; Justiz, Jörn; Koch, Volker M. (2016). A Miniature Multimodal Actuator for Effective Tactile Feedback: Design and Characterization Procedia Engineering, 168, pp. 1547-1550. Elsevier

Huang, Huaiqi; Li, Tao; Bruschini, Claudio; Enz, Christian; Koch, Volker M.; Justiz, Jörn; Antfolk, Christian (2016). EMG Pattern Recognition Using Decomposition Techniques for Constructing Multiclass Classifiers In: 6th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob) (pp. 1296-1301). IEEE

Huang, Huaiqi; Li, Tao; Antfolk, Christian; Enz, Christian; Justiz, Jörn; Koch, Volker M. (2016). Experiment and Investigation of Two Types of Vibrotactile Devices In: 6th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob) (pp. 1266-1271). IEEE

Huang, H.; Li, T.; Koch, Volker M. (2016). A Hybrid Stimulation Device for Providing Sensory Feedback In: Actuator 2016 - 15th International Conference on New Actuators. Published by MESSE BREMEN WFB Wirtschaftsfdrderung Bremen GmbH Bremen, Germany

Heck, Horst; Wang, Jenn-Nan (2016). Optimal stability estimate of the inverse boundary value problem by partial measurements Rendiconti dell'Istituto di Matematica dell'Università di Trieste, 48, pp. 369-383. Instituto di Matematica dell'Universita di Trieste 10.13137/2464-8728/13164

Vezzini, Andrea; Höckel, Michael (2016). Bald Netzparität bei Batterien? PV-Anlagen und Speicher als Grundlage des Smart-Energy-Building Bulletin |b Fachzeitschrift und Verbandsinformationen von electrosuisse und VSE = revue spécialisée et informations des associations electrosuisse et AES, 8, pp. 34-36. SEV/VSE

Devaux, D. J.; Lempen, M.; Schelling, E.; Koch, Volker M.; Meylan, M. (January 2015). Assessment of the excretion time of electronic capsules placed in the intestinal lumen of cows with cecal dilatation-dislocation, healthy control cows, and cows with left displacement of the abomasum American Journal of Veterinary Research, 76(1), pp. 60-69. 10.2460/ajvr.76.1.60

Fang, Juan; Hunt, Kenneth James; Xie, Le; Yang, Guo-Yuan (2015). Modelling of the toe trajectory during normal gait using circle-fit approximation Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 54(10), pp. 1481-1489. Springer 10.1007/s11517-015-1414-4

Steiner, Patrick; Kowal, Jens H.; Povazay, Boris; Meier, Christoph; Sznitman, Raphael (2015). Automatic estimation of noise parameters in Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography cross sectional images using statistical information Applied Optics, 54(12), pp. 3650-3657. OSA Publishing 10.1364/AO.54.003650

Hunt, Kenneth James (2015). Assessment of the gas exchange threshold and respiratory compensatory point in dependent-ambulatory stroke patients using a robotics-assisted tilt table In: European Stroke Conference : 24th Conference, Vienna, May 2015: Abstract e-Book. Cerebrovascular Diseases 2014: Vol. Vol. 3. Karger 10.1159/isbn.978-3-318-05502-3

Steiner, Patrick; Enzmann, Volker; Wolf, Sebastian; Bossen, Anke; Meier, Christoph; Sznitman, Raphael (2015). Assessment of ultra-high resolution optical coherence tomography for monitoring tissue effects caused by laser photocoagulation of ex-vivo porcine retina Proceedings SPIE : Optical Interactions with Tissue and Cells XXVI, 9321, p. 932112.

Martin, Lorenz; Gräub, Stephan; Meier, Christoph (2015). Optimal integration time in OCT imaging Proceedings SPIE : Optical Coherence Imaging Techniques and Imaging in Scattering Media, 9541, 95411G. SPIE 10.1117/12.2182804

Grichting, Benjamin; Goette, Josef; Jacomet, Marcel (2015). Cascaded Fuzzy Logic based Arc Fault Detection in Photovoltaic Applications In: 2015 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP 2015) (pp. 178-183). IEEE 10.1109/ICCEP.2015.7177620

Steiner, Patrick; Enzmann, Volker; Meier, Christoph; Povazay, Boris; Kowal, Jens H. (2014). Retinal Laser Lesion Visibility in Simultaneous Ultra-High Axial Resolution Optical Coherence Tomography Photonics Journal, 6(6), pp. 1-11. IEEE 10.1109/JPHOT.2014.2374594

Remund, Stefan Marco; Bossen, Anke; Chen, Xianfeng; Wang, Lin; Povazay, Boris; Meier, Christoph (2014). Fiber optically integrated cost-effective spectrometer for optical coherence tomography Proceedings SPIE : Biophotonics: Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care IV, 9129, 91293G. 10.1117/12.2052595

Ernst, Dominic; Peyer, Michaël; Täschler, Dominik; Steiner, Patrick; Bossen, Anke; Povazay, Boris; Meier, Christoph (2014). Multi-channel near-infrared spectrometer for functional depth-resolved tissue examination and positioning applications Proceedings SPIE : Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Applications XIV, 8938, 89380J. 10.1117/12.2036381

Tamas, Levente; Jensen, Bjoern (2014). Robustness analysis of 3D feature descriptors for object recognition using a time-of-flight camera In: 22nd Mediterranean Conference of Control and Automation (MED) (pp. 1020-1025). IEEE 10.1109/MED.2014.6961508

Tamas, Levente; Jensen, Bjoern (2014). All-Season 3D Object Recognition Challenges In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2014. Hong-Kong / China. 31.5.-7.6.2014.

Remund, Stefan Marco; Bossen, Anke; Chen, Xianfeng; Wang, Ling; Adebayo, Adedotun; Zhang, Lin; Povazay, Boris; Meier, Christoph (2014). Cost-effective optical coherence tomography spectrometer based on a tilted fiber Bragg grating Proceedings SPIE : Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Applications XIV, 8938, 89381E. 10.1117/12.2039409

Pengg, Franz; Barras, David; Kucera, Martin; Scolari, Nicola; Vouilloz, Alexandre (2013). A low power miniaturized 1.95mm2 fully integrated transceiver with fastPLL mode for IEEE 802.15.4/bluetooth smart and proprietary 2.4GHz applications In: 2013 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC) (pp. 71-74). IEEE 10.1109/RFIC.2013.6569525

Dal Fabbro, Paulo Augusto; Pittorino, Tindaro; Kuratli, Christoph; Kvacek, Robert; Kucera, Martin; Giroud, Frederic; Tanner, Steve; Chastellain, Frederic; Casagrande, Arnaud; Descombes, Arthur; Peiris, Vincent; Farine, Pierre-Andre; Kayal, Maher (2010). A 0.8V 2.4GHz 1Mb/s GFSK RF transceiver with on-chip DC-DC converter in a standard 0.18µm CMOS technology In: ESSCIRC 2007 - 33rd European Solid-State Circuits Conference (pp. 458-461). IEEE 10.1109/ESSCIRC.2010.5619742

Kucera, Martin; Melly, Thierry (October 2007). A 1.2 V 16 MHz Phase Domain Analog–to–Digital Converter In: SAME-FORUM, Sophia Antipolis Microelectronic Exhibition. Sophia-Antipolis, France. 3-4 October 2007.

Enz, Christian C.; Baborowski, Jacek; Chabloz, Jeremie; Kucera, Martin; Muller, Claude; Ruffieux, David; Scolari, Nicola (2007). Ultra low-power MEMS-based radio for wireless sensor networks In: 2007 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD 2007) (pp. 320-331). IEEE 10.1109/ECCTD.2007.4529599

Peiris, Vincent; Hoiydi, Amre El; Ribordy, Antoine; Le Roux, Erwan; Melly, Thierry; Ruffieux, David; Pengg, Franz; Giroud, Frédéric; Raemy, Nicolas; Kucera, Martin; Sumanen, Lauri; Volet, Patrick; Cserveny, S.; Arm, Claude; Pfister, Pierre-David; Caseiro, Ricardo (2006). WiseNET, an Ultra Low-Power RF Transceiver SoC and Communication Protocol Solution for Wireless Sensor Networks In: van Roermund, Arthur H.M. (ed.) Analog Circuit Design (pp. 345-375). Dordrecht: Springer Verlag 10.1007/1-4020-5186-7_17

U.S. Philips Corporation (1998). Integrated oscillator with reduced jitter (US 6,191,65)

Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. Groenewoudseweg 1 5621 BA Eindhoven / N (1997). INTEGRATED OSCILLATOR WITH REDUCED JITTER (EP0948837)

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