School of Engineering and Computer Science > Institute for Cybersecurity & Engineering (ICE)

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Number of items at this level: 57.


Chaum, David; Grothoff, Christian; Moser, Thomas (January 2022). Come emettere una moneta digitale di banca centrale Swiss National Bank

Nikkel, Bruce (2022). History of Unix HISTEC - Schweizer Zeitschrift für historische Technik, 2022(1-4) ENTER Museum Solothurn


Nikkel, Bruce (23 November 2021). History and Evolution of Ransomware In: SSCC Online Workshop on Ransomware Attacks. Online. 23.11.2021.

Kulyk, Oksana; Ludwig, Jonas; Volkamer, Melanie; Koenig, Reto; Locher, Philipp (6 September 2021). Usable Verifiable Secrecy-Preserving E-Voting In: E-Vote-ID 2021 (pp. 337-353). Tartu (Estonia): University of Tartu Press 10.5445/IR/1000138829

Chaum, David; Grothoff, Christian; Moser, Thomas (2021). How to Issue a Central Bank Digital Currency, 3(3/2021). Swiss National Bank

Schanzenbach, Martin; Grothoff, Christian; Wenger, Hansjürg; Kaul, Maximilian (2021). Decentralized Identities for Self-sovereign End-users (DISSENS) In: Open Identity Summit. Gesellschaft für Informatik

Nikkel, Bruce (2021). Practical Linux Forensics No Starch Press


Boss, Ramon; Brünnler, Kai; Doukmak, Anna (11 December 2020). Towards Verifying the Bitcoin-S Library In: 2nd Workshop on Formal Methods for Blockchains (FMBC 2020). Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl Publishing, Germany 10.4230/OASIcs.FMBC.2020.8

Brünnler, Kai; Flumini, Dandolo; Studer, Thomas (2020). A logic of blockchain updates Journal of Logic and Computation, 30(8), pp. 1469-1485. Oxford University Press

Benoist, Emmanuel; Sliwa, Jan (2020). Using Freenet as a Broker for Multi-Party Data Exchange in IoT for Health In: Applied Approach to Privacy and Security for the Internet of Things. Advances in Information Security, Privacy, and Ethics (pp. 181-193). IGI Global 10.4018/978-1-7998-2444-2.ch009

Chatterjee, Parag; Benoist, Emmanuel; Nath, Asoke (2020). Applied Approach to Privacy and Security for the Internet of Things Advances in Information Security, Privacy, and Ethics. IGI Global 10.4018/978-1-7998-2444-2

Nikkel, Bruce (2020). History of Hacking HISTEC: Schweizer Zeitschrift für historische Technik, 2020(1-4) ENTER


Grothoff, Christian; Alex, Pentland (1 December 2019). Kampf der Kryptowährungen - das sind die Alternativen zu Libra SonntagsZeitung, p. 22.

Grothoff, Christian; Pentland, Alex (4 October 2019). Digitales Geld und Datenschutz: Welche Alternativen es zu Libra gibt netzwoche

Vogt, Rolf (1 October 2019). Durch Wände sehen ohne Magie VSAO Journal, 5(Oktobe), pp. 26-27. VSAO

Schnell, Fabian; Ammann, Matthias; Dubuis, Eric (2019). Digitale Direkte Demokratie - Schweizer Volksrechte stärken Avenir Suisse

Grothoff, Christian; Pentland, Alex (2019). Digital cash and privacy: What are the alternatives to Libra? MIT Media Lab

Rosset, Christian; Sciacca, Stéphane; Flückiger, Stefan; Fiedler, Ulrich (2019). Exercices de martelage et suivi sylvicole sur (MSC) Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen, 170(2), pp. 94-109. Schweizerischer Forstverein 10.3188/szf.2019.0094

Dubuis, Eric (2019). E-Demokratie: E-Voting In: Handbuch E-Government: Technikinduzierte Verwaltungsentwicklung (pp. 457-470). Wiesbaden: Springer 10.1007/978-3-658-21402-9_39

Haenni, Rolf; Locher, Philipp; Gailly, Nicolas (2019). Improving the Performance of Cryptographic Voting Protocols In: Voting'19, 4th Workshop on Advances in Secure Electronic Voting. LNCS: Vol. 11599 (pp. 272-288). Springer 10.1007/978-3-030-43725-1_19

Grothoff, Christian (2019). Was brauchen wir als Zivilgesellschaft eigentlich für eine Art von Netzwerk und was für eine Technik hätten wir den gerne? FiFF Kommunikation, 19(1), pp. 36-39. FiFF


Hauser, Severin; Haenni, Rolf (March 2018). Modeling a Bulletin Board Service based on Broadcast Channels with Memory In: 22nd International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, FC 2018. LNCS: Vol. 10958 (pp. 232-246). Springer

Mainini, Pascal; Haenni, Rolf (2018). Outsourcing Modular Exponentiation in Cryptographic Web Applications In: FC'18, 22nd International Conference on Financial Cryptography. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 10958 (pp. 181-195). Springer

Brünnler, Kai (2018). Blockchain: kurz & gut O'Reillys Taschenbibliothek. Heidelberg: O'Reilly

Grothoff, Christian; Wachs, Matthias; Ermert, Monika; Appelbaum, Jacob (2018). Towards Secure Name Resolution on the Internet Computers & Security, 77, pp. 694-708. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cose.2018.01.018

Haenni, Rolf; Dubuis, Eric; Koenig, Reto E.; Locher, Philipp (2018). Process Models for Universally Verifiable Elections In: Electronic Voting. E-Vote-ID 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 11143 (pp. 84-99). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-030-00419-4_6


Serdült, Uwe; Dubuis, Eric; Glaser, Andreas (2017). Elektronischer versus brieflicher Stimmkanal im Vergleich : Überprüfbarkeit, Sicherheit und Qualität der Stimmabgabe. Jusletter IT, 21.09., pp. 1-17. Weblaw

Nikkel, Bruce (2017). Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) for digital forensic investigators Digital Investigation, 22, pp. 133-141. Elsevier 10.1016/j.diin.2017.07.002

Heinzelmann, Elsbeth; Vogt, Rolf (2017). Software ersetzt Hardware-Schaltung im Radio Swiss Engineering STZ, 10/201(Oktobe), pp. 12-14.

Haenni, Rolf; Locher, Philipp; Koenig, Reto; Dubuis, Eric (2017). Pseudo-Code Algorithms for Verifiable Re-Encryption Mix-Nets In: Financial Cryptography and Data Security. FC 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 10323 (pp. 370-384). Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-70278-0_23

Haenni, Rolf; Koenig, Reto; Dubuis, Eric (2017). Cast-as-Intended Verification in Electronic Elections Based on Oblivious Transfer In: 12th International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting, E-Vote-ID 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 10141 (pp. 73-91). Springer International Publishing


Hauser, Severin; Haenni, Rolf (2016). Implementing broadcast channels with memory for electronic voting systems eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government, 8(3), pp. 61-79. JeDEM

Locher, Philipp; Haenni, Rolf (2016). Receipt-free remote electronic elections with everlasting privacy Annals of Telecommunications, 71(7-8), pp. 323-336. Springer 10.1007/s12243-016-0519-6

Hauser, Severin; Haenni, Rolf (2016). A Generic Interface for the Public Bulletin Board Used in UniVote In: CeDEM’16. 6th International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Locher, Philipp; Haenni, Rolf; Koenig, Reto (2016). Coercion-resistant internet voting with everlasting privacy In: 20th International Conference on Financial Cryptography, FC 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 9604 (pp. 161-175). Springer

Nikkel, Bruce (2016). Practical Forensic Imaging: Securing Digital Evidence with Linux Tools San Francisco, CA: No Starch Press


Luggen, Michael; Gschwend, Adrian; Anrig, Bernhard; Cudré-Mauroux, Philippe (2015). Uduvudu: a Graph-Aware and Adaptive UI Engine for Linked Data In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Linked Data on the Web. Florence / Italy. 19.05.2015.

Dubuis, E. (2015). E-Voting: Fluch oder Segen? Digma, 15(2), pp. 68-71. Schulthess

Haenni, Rolf; Koenig, Reto; von Bergen, Philemon; Kulyk, Oksana; Neumann, Stephan; Budurushi, Jurlind; Volkamer, Melanie (2015). Efficiency Evaluation of Cryptographic Protocols for Boardroom Voting In: 10th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2015 (pp. 224-229). IEEE

Locher, Philipp; Haenni, Rolf (2015). Verifiable Internet Elections with Everlasting Privacy and Minimal Trust In: E-Voting and Identity. Vote-ID 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 9269 (pp. 74-91). Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-22270-7_5


Haenni, Rolf; Koenig, Reto E. (2014). Voting over the Internet on an Insecure Platform In: Zissis, Dimitrios; Lekkas, Dimitrios (eds.) Design, Development, and Use of Secure Electronic Voting Systems (pp. 62-75). Hershey: IGI Global 10.4018/978-1-4666-5820-2

Locher, P.; Haenni, R. (2014). A Lightweight Implementation of a Shuffle Proof for Electronic Voting Systems In: Plödereder, E.; Grunske, L.; Schneider, E.; Ull, D. (eds.) Informatik 2014. Lecture Notes in Informatics (pp. 1391-1400). Stuttgart, Germany: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V..


Haenni, Rolf; Koenig, Reto E. (2013). A Generic Approach to Prevent Board Flooding Attacks in Coercion-Resistant Electronic Voting Schemes Computers & Security, 33, pp. 59-69. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cose.2012.09.003

Dubuis, Eric; Fischli, Stephan; Haenni, Rolf; Hauser, Severin; Koenig, Reto; Locher, Philipp; Ritter, J.; von Bergen, Philémon von (2013). Verifizierbare Internet-Wahlen an Schweizer Hochschulen mit UniVote In: Horbach, M. (ed.) INFORMATIK 2013 – Informatik angepasst an Mensch, Organisation und Umwelt. LNI P-220 (pp. 767-788). Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.

Koenig, Reto; Haenni, Rolf; Locher, Philipp. (2013). Attacking the Verification Code Mechanism in the Norwegian Internet Voting System In: Heather, J.; Schneider, S.; Teague, V. (eds.) E-Voting and Identify. Vote-ID 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 7985 (pp. 76-92). Berlin: Springer 10.1007/978-3-642-39185-9_5

Neumann, Stephan; Feier, Christian; Volkamer, Melanie; Koenig, Reto (2013). Towards a Practical JCJ / Civitas Implementation In: Horbach, Matthias (ed.) INFORMATIK 2013, 43. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik. Koblenz, Germany.


Spycher, Oliver; Koenig, Reto; Haenni, Rolf; Schläpfer, Michael (2012). A New Approach Towards Coercion-Resistant Remote E-Voting in Linear Time In: Danezis, G. (ed.) 15th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, FC 2011. Gros Islet, St. Lucia. February 28 - March 4, 2011.

Spycher, Oliver; Koenig, Reto; Haenni, Rolf; Schläpfer, Michael (2012). Achieving Meaningful Efficiency in Coercion-Resistant, Verifiable Internet Voting In: Kripp, Manuel J.; Volkamer, Melanie; Grimm, Rüdiger (eds.) EVOTE'12, 5th International Workshop on Electronic Voting (EVOTE 2012). Bregenz, Austria. 11.-14.07.2012.

Dubuis, Eric; Haenni, Rolf; Koenig, Reto (2012). Konzept und Implikationen eines verifizierbaren Vote Électronique Systems


Dubuis, Eric; Fischli, Stephan; Haenni, Rolf; Serdült, Uwe; Spycher, Oliver (2011). Selectio Helvetica: A Verifiable Remote E-Voting System In: Parycek, P.; Kripp, M.; Edelmann, N. (eds.) CeDEM11, 1st International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government. Krems, Austria. 5-6 May 2011.

Haenni, Rolf; Spycher, Oliver (2011). Secure Internet Voting on Limited Devices with Anonymized DSA Public Keys In: Shacham, H.; Teague, V. (eds.) EVT/WOTE'11 Proceedings of the 2011 conference on Electronic voting technology/workshop on trustworthy elections (p. 8). USENIX Association Berkeley, CA, USA

Haenni, Rolf (2011). Secure Internet Voting on an Untrusted Platform In: Alvarez, R. Michael; Benaloh, Josh; Rosen, Alon; Ryan, Peter Y. A. (eds.) Dagstuhl Seminar Nr. 11281: Verifiable Elections and the Public. Dagstuhl, Germany. 10.–15. July, 2011.

Koenig, Reto; Haenni, Rolf; Fischli, Stephan (2011). Preventing Board Flooding Attacks in Coercion-Resistant Electronic Voting Schemes In: Camenisch, J.; Fischer-Hübner, S.; Murayama, Y.; Portmann, A.; Rieder, C. (eds.) SEC'11, 26th IFIP International Information Security Conference 354 (pp. 116-127). Springer

Schläpfer, Michael; Haenni, Rolf; Koenig, Reto; Spycher, Oliver (2011). Efficient Vote Authorization in Coercion-Resistant Internet Voting In: Kiayias, A.; Lipmaa, H. (eds.) Vote-ID 2011, 3rd International Conference on E-Voting and Identity. Tallinn, Estonia. 28-30 September.


Koenig, Reto E.; Dubuis, Eric; Haenni, Rolf (2010). Why Public Registration Boards are Required in E-Voting Systems Based on Threshold Blind Signature Protocols In: Krimmer, R.; Grimm, R. (eds.) EVOTE'10, 4th International Workshop on Electronic Voting. Lecture Notes in Informatics (pp. 255-266). Research Institute for Security in the Information Society RISIS

Spycher, O.; Haenni, Rolf; Dubuis, Eric (2010). Coercion-Resistant Hybrid Voting Systems In: Krimmer, R.; Grimm, R. (eds.) EVOTE'10, 4th International Workshop on Electronic Voting. Lecture Notes in Informatics (pp. 269-282). Research Institute for Security in the Information Society RISIS

Spycher, Oliver; Haenni, Rolf (2010). A Novel Protocol to Allow Revocation of Votes in a Hybrid Voting System In: 9th Annual Conference on Information Security, ISSA 10. Sandton, South Africa. August 3rd.

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