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Georgescu, George; Kwuida, Léonard; Mureşan, Claudia (2021). Functorial Properties of the Reticulation of a Universal Algebra Journal of Applied Logics - IfCoLog Journal, 8(5), pp. 1124-1167.

Kwuida, Léonard; Ignatov, Dmitry (2021). On Interpretability and Similarity in Concept-Based Machine Learning In: International Conference on Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts AIST 2020: Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts 12602 (pp. 28-54). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland 10.1007/978-3-030-72610-2_3

Liozu, Stephan; Feurer, Sven; Hinterhuber, Andreas; Woodside, Arch (2021). Configurational theory and practices of firms employing multiple pricing policies: assessing effective and ineffective pricing recipes in multiple firm contexts Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 20(4), pp. 420-435. Springer 10.1057/s41272-021-00306-1

Pruschak, Gernot (2021). Ethical and Responsible Behavior in Applied Empirical Research: Four Essays on Academic Practices in the Social Sciences (Dissertation, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften)

Cichy, Patrick; Salge, Torsten-Oliver; Kohli, Rajiv (2021). Privacy Concerns and Data Sharing in the Internet of Things: Mixed Methods Evidence from Connected Cars MIS Quarterly, 45(4), pp. 1863-1892.

Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid; Schellinger, Jochen (2021). Digital Business in der Praxis. Modell, Analyse und Handlungsfelder In: Schellinger, Jochen; Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid (eds.) Digital Business (pp. 1-13). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 10.1007/978-3-658-32323-3_1

Schellinger, Jochen; Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid (eds.) (2021). Digital Business: Analysen und Handlungsfelder in der Praxis Wiesbaden: Springer 10.1007/978-3-658-32323-3

Pruschak, Gernot (2021). What Constitutes Authorship in the Social Sciences? Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 6(655535) Frontiers 10.3389/frma.2021.655350


Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid; Schellinger, Jochen (2020). Von der digitalen Transformation zur digitalen Unternehmensführung In: Digitale Transformation und Unternehmensführung (pp. 1-10). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler

Verdicchio, Dirk; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid (2020). Digitale Transformation und Open Access von Forschungsresultaten in der Schweiz In: Schellinger, Jochen; Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid (eds.) Digitale Transformation und Unternehmensführung (pp. 11-27). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler

Weissenfeld, Katinka; Dungga Winterleitner, Angelina; Frecè, Jan Thomas (2020). Plattformbasierte Dienstleistungen. Dienstleistungen als Treiber des gesellschaftlichen Wandels In: Schellinger, Jochen; Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid (eds.) Digitale Transformation und Unternehmensführung (pp. 29-53). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler

Ellenberger, Thomas; Harder, Deane; Brechbühler Peskova, Marie (2020). Gamification in Unternehmen. Beeinflussung der Unternehmenskultur durch spieletypische Elemente In: Schellinger, Jochen; Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid (eds.) Digitale Transformation und Unternehmensführung (pp. 55-81). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler

Meier, Dominique Adrian; Burda, Daniel (2020). Cybersicherheit als Führungsaufgabe in Schweizer KMU. Herausforderungen und Chancen im Zuge der Digitalisierung In: Schellinger, Jochen; Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid (eds.) Digitale Transformation und Unternehmensführung (pp. 83-104). Springer Gabler

Schneeberger, Simon Jonathan; Habegger, Anja (2020). Ambidextrie – der organisationale Drahtseilakt. Synergie zwischen Exploration und Exploitation als Voraussetzung für die digitale Transformation In: Schellinger, Jochen; Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid (eds.) Digitale Transformation und Unternehmensführung (pp. 105-144). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler

Huynh, Gia Le; Schellinger, Jochen (2020). Digitalisierung: Perspektiven für Arbeitsmodelle der Zukunft in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung In: Schellinger, Jochen; Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid (eds.) Digitale Transformation und Unternehmensführung (pp. 145-181). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler

Schellinger, Jochen; Goedermans, Marlies; Kolb, Lars Patrick; Sebai, Yassin (2020). Digitale Transformation und Human Resource Management. Trends und Perspektiven einer zukunftsgerichteten Personalarbeit in Schweizer Großunternehmen In: Schellinger, Jochen; Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid (eds.) Digitale Transformation und Unternehmensführung (pp. 183-222). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler

Baumann, Flurina Fiona; Brunner, Nadine Belinda; Tokarski, Kim Oliver (2020). Big Data Analytics. Analyse der prädiktiven Fähigkeit von Twitter-Sentiments auf die Entwicklung des Börsenkurses von Technologieunternehmen In: Schellinger, Jochen; Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid (eds.) Digitale Transformation und Unternehmensführung (pp. 223-248). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler

Wenger, Tobias; Tokarski, Kim Oliver (2020). Kryptowährungen. Eine empirisch-qualitative Analyse von Kryptowährungen gegenüber dem traditionellen Währungssystem In: Schellinger, Jochen; Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid (eds.) Digitale Transformation und Unternehmensführung (pp. 249-284). Springer Gabler 10.1007/978-3-658-26960-9_10

Furrer, Vincent; Deck, Klaus-Georg (2020). Das Potenzial von Smart Contracts an einem Beispiel aus der Finanzbranche – Smart Rating In: Schellinger, Jochen; Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid (eds.) Digitale Transformation und Unternehmensführung (pp. 285-304). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler

Ulber, Seraina; Rumo, Etienne (2020). Erfolgsfaktoren für die Kundengewinnung mit digitalem Marketing In: Schellinger, Jochen; Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid (eds.) Digitale Transformation und Unternehmensführung (pp. 305-353). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler

Aemmer, David; Bigler, Jonas; Birkhofer, Marco; Brechbühler Peskova, Marie; Harder, Deane (2020). Augmented Reality als Entscheidungshilfe beim Möbelkauf In: Schellinger, Jochen; Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid (eds.) Digitale Transformation und Unternehmensführung (pp. 355-381). Springer Gabler

Descloux, Romain; Rumo, Etienne (2020). Online-Abonnement-Vermarktung. Erfolgreicher Marketingmix für die Abonnement- Vermarktung von Konsumgütern In: Schellinger, Jochen; Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid (eds.) Digitale Transformation und Unternehmensführung (pp. 383-405). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler

von Rotz, Jonas; Tokarski, Kim Oliver (2020). Social Influencer. Eine Analyse ausgewählter visueller und auditiver Stile erfolgreicher Social Influencer auf YouTube In: Schellinger, Jochen; Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid (eds.) Digitale Transformation und Unternehmensführung (pp. 407-434). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler

Hopp, Christian; Pruschak, Gernot (2020). Is there such a thing as leadership skill? – A replication and extension of the relationship between high school leadership positions and later-life earnings The Leadership Quarterly, 34(4), p. 101475. Elsevier 10.1016/j.leaqua.2020.101475

Speil, Alexander; Hopp, Christian (2020). How prevalent is plagiarism among college students? Anonymity preserving evidence from Austrian undergraduates Accountability in Research, 27(7), pp. 1-16. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/08989621.2020.1804880

Pruschak, Gernot (10 August 2020). The Size of Author Teams in the Social Sciences In: Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM-2020). Virtuell. 07 Aug 2020 – 11 Aug 2020.

Beck, Susanne; Bergenholtz, Carsten; Bogers, Marcel; Brasseur, Tiare-Maria; Conradsen, Marie-Louise; Diletta, Di Marco; Distel, Andreas P.; Dobusch, Leonhard; Dörler, Daniel; Effert, Agnes; Fecher, Benedikt; Filiou, Despoina; Frederiksen, Lars; Gillier, Thomas; Grimpe, Christoph; Gruber, Marc; Haeussler, Carolin; Heigl, Florian; Hoisl, Karin; Hyslop, Katie; ... (2020). The Open Innovation in Science research field: a collaborative conceptualisation approach Industry and Innovation, 29(2), pp. 136-185. Abingdon, ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD 10.1080/13662716.2020.1792274

Rose, Stefan Manfred; Wentzel, Daniel; Hopp, Christian; Kaminski, Jermain (2020). Launching for success: The effects of psychological distance and mental simulation on funding decisions and crowdfunding performance Journal of Business Venturing, 36(6), p. 106021. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2020.106021

Werker, Claudia; Hopp, Christian (2020). Balancing act between research and application: how research orientation and networks affect scholars’ academic and commercial output Journal of Business Economics, 90(8), pp. 1171-1197. Springer 10.1007/s11573-020-00979-x

Fabel, Oliver; Hopp, Christian; Speil, Alexander (2020). Advice‐seeking and advice‐utilization for hiring decisions: An investigation of a partially outsourced recruitment process for rank‐and‐file managers Managerial and Decision Economics, 41(5), pp. 784-799. Wiley 10.1002/mde.3138

Ignatov, Dmitry I.; Kwuida, Léonard (2020). Interpretable Concept-Based Classification with Shapley Values In: International Conference on Conceptual Structures ICCS 2020: Ontologies and Concepts in Mind and Machine. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 12277 (pp. 90-102). Cham: Springer International Publishing 10.1007/978-3-030-57855-8_7

Missaoui, Rokia; Ruas, Pedro H. B.; Kwuida, Léonard; Song, Mark A. J. (2020). Pattern Discovery in Triadic Contexts In: International Conference on Conceptual Structures ICCS 2020: Ontologies and Concepts in Mind and Machine. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 12277 (pp. 117-131). Springer 10.1007/978-3-030-57855-8_9

Ignatov, Dmitry I.; Kwuida, Léonard (2020). Shapley and Banzhaf Vectors of a Formal Concept In: International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications. CEUR Workshop Proceedings: Vol. 2668 (pp. 259-271).

Kwuida, Léonard; Kuitché, Rostand S.; Temgoua, Romuald E.A. (2020). On the size of ∃ -generalized concept lattices Discrete Applied Mathematics, 273, pp. 205-216. 10.1016/j.dam.2019.02.035

Schellinger, Jochen; Tokarski, Kim Oliver; Kissling-Näf, Ingrid (eds.) (2020). Digitale Transformation und Unternehmensführung. Trends und Perspektiven für die Praxis Wiesbaden: SpringerGabler 10.1007/978-3-658-26960-9

Kaminski, Jermain C.; Hopp, Christian (2020). Predicting outcomes in crowdfunding campaigns with textual, visual, and linguistic signals Small Business Economics, 55(3), pp. 627-649. Springer 10.1007/s11187-019-00218-w

Hopp, Christian; Wentzel, Daniel; Rose, Stefan Manfred (2020). Chief executive officers' appearance predicts company performance, or does it? A replication study and extension focusing on CEO successions The Leadership Quarterly, 34(4), p. 101437. Elsevier 10.1016/j.leaqua.2020.101437


Pruschak, Gernot; Hopp, Christian (8 August 2019). And the Credit Goes to... - Ghost and Honorary Authorship Among Social Scientists Academy of Management Proceedings. Academy of Management

Hopp, Christian; Minarikova, Dana; Speil, Alexander (2019). A chip off the old block? How parent-child interactions affect the intergenerational transmission of entrepreneurial intentions Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 11, e00130. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jbvi.2019.e00130

Paluch, Stefanie; Antons, David; Brettel, Malte; Hopp, Christian; Salge, Torsten-Oliver; Piller, Frank; Wentzel, Daniel (2019). Stage-gate and agile development in the digital age: Promises, perils, and boundary conditions Journal of Business Research, 110, pp. 495-501. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.01.063

Hopp, Christian; Hoover, Gary A. (2019). What Crisis? Management Researchers’ Experiences with and Views of Scholarly Misconduct Science and Engineering Ethics, 25(5), pp. 1549-1588. Springer 10.1007/s11948-018-0079-4

Cristea, Diana; Ber, Florence Le; Missaoui, Rokia; Kwuida, Léonard; Sertkaya, Baris (eds.) (2019). Supplementary Proceedings of ICFCA 2019 Conference and Workshops, Frankfurt, Germany, June 25-28, 2019 CEUR Workshop Proceedings: Vol. 2378.

Ooms, Ward; Werker, Claudia; Hopp, Christian (2019). Moving up the ladder: heterogeneity influencing academic careers through research orientation, gender, and mentors Studies in Higher Education, 44(7), pp. 1268-1289. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/03075079.2018.1434617

Hopp, Christian; Kaminski, Jermain; Piller, Frank (2019). Accentuating lead user entrepreneur characteristics in crowdfunding campaigns – The role of personal affection and the capitalization of positive events Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 11, e00106. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jbvi.2018.e00106

Kaminski, Jermain; Hopp, Christian; Tykvová, Tereza (2019). New technology assessment in entrepreneurial financing – Does crowdfunding predict venture capital investments? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 139, pp. 287-302. Elsevier 10.1016/j.techfore.2018.11.015

Hopp, Christian; Speil, Alexander (2019). Estimating the extent of deceitful behaviour using crosswise elicitation models Applied Economics Letters, 26(5), pp. 396-400. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/13504851.2018.1486007

Honig, Benson; Hopp, Christian (2019). Learning orientations and learning dynamics: Understanding heterogeneous approaches and comparative success in nascent entrepreneurship Journal of Business Research, 94, pp. 28-41. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.09.014

Rose, Stefan Manfred (2019). Intertemporal Consumption in Reward-Based Crowdfunding: The Influence of Psychological Distance on Backers’ Mental Construal of Proposed Products In: 48th Conference for the European Marketing Association (EMAC). Hamburg, Germany. May 28-31, 2019.

Kondo, Michiro; Kwuida, Léonard (2019). Note on radicals of filters in residuated lattices (Algebraic System, Logic, Language and Related Areas in Computer Science) 数理解析研究所講究録= RIMS Kokyuroku, 2130, pp. 64-71. 京都大学数理解析研究所


Hopp, Christian; Antons, David; Kaminski, Jermain; Oliver Salge, Torsten (2018). Disruptive Innovation: Conceptual Foundations, Empirical Evidence, and Research Opportunities in the Digital Age Journal of Product Innovation Management, 35(3), pp. 446-457. Wiley 10.1111/jpim.12448

Hopp, Christian; Martin, Johannes (2018). Can beneficial antecedents to self-employment be detrimental to entrepreneurial performance? Managerial and Decision Economics, 39(5), pp. 563-576. Wiley 10.1002/mde.2927

Hopp, Christian; Greene, Francis J. (2018). In Pursuit of Time: Business Plan Sequencing, Duration and Intraentrainment Effects on New Venture Viability Journal of Management Studies, 55(2), pp. 320-351. Wiley 10.1111/joms.12251

Kwuida, Léonard (2018). A single axiom for Boolean algebras Discrete Applied Mathematics, 249, pp. 85-90. 10.1016/j.dam.2018.08.002

Kaminski, Jermain; Hopp, Christian; Lukas, Christian (2018). Who benefits from the wisdom of the crowd in crowdfunding? Assessing the benefits of user-generated and mass personal electronic word of mouth in computer-mediated financing Journal of Business Economics, 88(9), pp. 1133-1162. Springer 10.1007/s11573-018-0899-3

Hopp, Christian; Greene, Francis J.; Honig, Benson; Karlsson, Tomas; Samuelsson, Mikael (2018). Revisiting the influence of institutional forces on the written business plan: a replication study Management Review Quarterly, 68(4), pp. 361-398. Springer 10.1007/s11301-018-0143-9

Hopp, Christian; Antons, David; Kaminski, Jermain; Salge, Torsten Oliver (2018). The Topic Landscape of Disruption Research—A Call for Consolidation, Reconciliation, and Generalization Journal of Product Innovation Management, 35(3), pp. 458-487. Wiley 10.1111/jpim.12440

Kuitché, R.; Temgoua, R.; Kwuida, Léonard (2018). A similarity measure to generalize attributes In: Ignatov, Dmitry I.; Nourine, Lhouari (eds.) Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications (pp. 141-152).

Rose, Stefan Manfred; Hopp, Christian (2018). The Influence of Product Maturity and Innovativeness on Consumers‘ Perceived Uncertainty in Reward-Based Crowdfunding In: 2018 AMA Winter Academic Conference. New Orleans, USA. 23. - 25. Februar 2018.

Rose, Stefan Manfred; Wentzel, Daniel (2018). Intertemporal Consumption in Reward-Based Crowdfunding In: 31st Doctoral Colloquium of the European Marketing Association Conference. Glasgow, UK. May 27-29, 2018.


Hopp, Christian; Hoover, Gary A. (2017). How prevalent is academic misconduct in management research? Journal of Business Research, 80, pp. 73-81. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.07.003

Layer, Patrick; Feurer, Sven; Jochem, Patrick (2017). Perceived price complexity of dynamic energy tariffs: An investigation of antecedents and consequences Energy Policy, 106, pp. 244-254. 10.1016/j.enpol.2017.02.051

Hopp, Christian; Martin, Johannes (2017). Does entrepreneurship pay for women and immigrants? A 30 year assessment of the socio-economic impact of entrepreneurial activity in Germany Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 29(5-6), pp. 517-543. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/08985626.2017.1299224

Hamböck, Christian; Hopp, Christian; Keles, Cigdem; Vetschera, Rudolf (2017). Risk aversion in Entrepreneurship Panels: Measurement Problems and Alternative Explanations Managerial and Decision Economics, 38(7), pp. 1046-1057. Wiley 10.1002/mde.2844

Greene, Francis J.; Hopp, Christian (2017). Are Formal Planners More Likely To Achieve New Venture Viability? A Counterfactual Model And Analysis Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 11(1), pp. 36-60. 10.1002/sej.1245


Hopp, Christian; Minten, Axel; Toporova, Nevena (2016). Signaling, selection and transition: empirical evidence on stepping-stones and vicious cycles in temporary agency work The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(5), pp. 527-547. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/09585192.2015.1020444

Feurer, Sven; Konya-Baumbach, Elisa; Woodside, Arch G. (2016). Applying configurational theory to build a typology of ethnocentric consumers International Marketing Review, 33(3), pp. 351-375. Emerald 10.1108/IMR-03-2014-0075


Hopp, Christian (2015). Does the presence of a formal business plan increase formal financial support? Empirical evidence from the PSED II on the signalling and mimetic nature of formal business planning Applied Economics Letters, 22(9), pp. 673-678. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/13504851.2014.967377


Hopp, Christian; Lukas, Christian (2014). A Signaling Perspective on Partner Selection in Venture Capital Syndicates Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38(3), pp. 635-670. 10.1111/etap.12023

Hopp, Christian; Sonderegger, Rolf (2014). Understanding the Dynamics of Nascent Entrepreneurship-Prestart-Up Experience, Intentions, and Entrepreneurial Success Journal of Small Business Management, 53(4), pp. 1076-1096. Wiley 10.1111/jsbm.12107

Hopp, Christian; Lukas, Christian (2014). Evaluation frequency and evaluator’s experience: the case of venture capital investment firms and monitoring intensity in stage financing Journal of Management & Governance, 18(2), pp. 649-674. Springer 10.1007/s10997-012-9231-8


Fabel, Oliver; Hopp, Christian (2013). High Profile Employees and Spin Offs Journal of Business Economics, 83(4), pp. 291-293. Springer 10.1007/s11573-013-0658-4

Hopp, Christian; Dreher, Axel (2013). Do differences in institutional and legal environments explain cross-country variations in IPO underpricing? Applied Economics, 45(4), pp. 435-454. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/00036846.2011.605760

Fabel, Oliver; Hopp, Christian; Weber, Thomas (2013). When teams of employees spin-off partnerships: matching-technology, information structure, and the “pure” incubator effect Journal of Business Economics, 83(4), pp. 383-407. Springer 10.1007/s11573-013-0655-7


Kwuida, Léonard; Missaoui, Rokia; Vaillancourt, Jean (2012). Using Taxonomies on Objects and Attributes to Discover Generalized Patterns In: Szathmary, Laszlo; Priss, Uta (eds.) International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications. CEUR Workshop Proceedings: Vol. 972 (pp. 327-338).

Hopp, Christian (2012). The acquisition and utilization of market information in new venture development and the contingent nature of new venture organizing activities Journal of Strategic Marketing, 20(6), pp. 553-567. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/0965254X.2012.711344

Hopp, Christian (2012). For Better or for Worse?—Nonprofit Experience and the Performance of Nascent Entrepreneurs Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 41(6), pp. 1251-1268. SAGE 10.1177/0899764012449517

Hopp, Christian; Stephan, Ute (2012). The influence of socio-cultural environments on the performance of nascent entrepreneurs: Community culture, motivation, self-efficacy and start-up success Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 24(9-10), pp. 917-945. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/08985626.2012.742326

Hopp, Christian; Zenk, Lukas (2012). Collaborative team networks and implications for strategic HRM The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(14), pp. 2975-2994. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/09585192.2011.637063


Kwuida, Léonard; Schmidt, Stefan E. (2011). Valuations and closure operators on finite lattices Discrete Applied Mathematics, 159(10), pp. 990-1001. 10.1016/j.dam.2010.11.022

Hopp, Christian; Rieder, Finn (2011). What drives venture capital syndication? Applied Economics, 43(23), pp. 3089-3102. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/00036840903427257


Hopp, Christian (2010). The evolution of inter-organizational networks in venture capital financing Applied Financial Economics, 20(22), pp. 1725-1739. 10.1080/09603107.2010.522518


Hopp, Christian (2008). Are firms reluctant to engage in inter-organizational exchange relationships with competitors? Economics Letters, 100(3), pp. 348-350. Elsevier 10.1016/j.econlet.2008.02.027

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