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Sadeghi-Reeves, Leila; Martins, Sofia Daniela Ferreira; da Silva, Marta Sofia Dores; Müller, Susanne; Jenzer, Helena (2017). Tamil migrant women’s perception of a transcultural dietetics tool for the counseling of gestational diabetes patients. Acta Portuguesa de Nutrição, 8, pp. 28-32. 10.21011/apn.2017.0806
Sadeghi-Reeves, Leila; Martins, Sofia Daniela Ferreira; da Silva, Marta Sofia Dores; Müller, Susanne; Jenzer, Helena (2017). Tamil Migrant Women's Perception of a Transcultural Dietetics Tool for the Couselinng of Getational Diabetes Patients Acta Portuguesa de nutrtição(08), pp. 28-32. 10.21011/apn.2017.0806