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Lanfranconi, Lucia; Zinn, Isabelle (26 January 2024). In the aftermath of the pandemic: towards more family-friendly working conditions and well-being. Evidence from employers, employees, and their relatives In: 8th International Conference on Work and Health. Olten. 25.-26. Januar 2024.
Lanfranconi, Lucia; Zinn, Isabelle; Granwehr, Eva (8 September 2023). In the aftermath of the pandemic: Towards more family-friendly working conditions? In: New Work, New Problems? Gender Perspectives on the Transformation of Work. Luzern. 7.-8. September 2023.
Hugentobler, Valérie; Zinn, Isabelle (eds.) (2023). Diversification des métiers de l’aide et de l’accompagnement : entre reconnaissance et invisibilité, 46(172). Gérontologie et société
Zinn, Isabelle (2023). Portraits genrés de l’artiste et de l’artisan fleuristes In: Sainsaulieu, Ivan; Leresche, Jean-Philippe (eds.) C’est qui ton chef ?! Sociologie du leadership en Suisse. Lausanne: EPFL Press / Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes (PPUR)
Ballif, Edmée; Zinn, Isabelle (2023). Persistent Pandemic: The unequal impact of Covid labor on early career academics Gender, Work & Organization, 31(5), pp. 2214-2230. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/gwao.13092
Hugentobler, Valérie; Zinn, Isabelle (2023). Élargir la focale : explorer la diversification des métiers de l’aide et de l’accompagnement Gérontologie et société, 46(172), pp. 9-18. Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Vieillesse (CNAV) 10.3917/gs1.172.0009
Zinn, Isabelle; Hofmeister, Heather (2022). The gender order in action: consistent evidence from two distinct workplace settings Journal of Gender Studies, 31(8), pp. 941-955. Routledge 10.1080/09589236.2022.2115019
Vogel Campanello, Margot (2021). Zur Krise des Mannes. "Männlichkeit" in rechtsorientierten Gruppierungen In: Baumgarten, Diana; Luterbach, Matthias; Peitz, Martina; Rabhi-Sidler, Sarah; Stihler, Steve; Studer, Tobias; Thym, Anika; Zinn, Isabelle (eds.) Zeitdiagnosen Männlichkeiten Schweiz (pp. 107-127). Zürich: Seismo https://doi.org/10.33058/seismo.30778
AG TransforMen; Baumgarten, Diana; Luterbach, Matthias; Peitz, Martina; Rabhi-Sidler, Sarah; Studer, Tobias; Thym, Anika; Zinn, Isabelle (eds.) (2021). Zeitdiagnose Männlichkeiten Schweiz Zürich: Seismo 10.33058/seismo.30778
Zinn, Isabelle (2019). The “Truly Creative” Florists: When Creativity Becomes a Gendered Privilege Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 48(3), pp. 429-447. Sage 10.1177/0891241618792074