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Bürgin-Wagner, Tanja; Frey, Sibylle (2023). Häusliche Gewalt während Schwangerschaft und Wochenbett Krankenpflege | Soins Infirmiers | Cure Infermieristiche, 202(1), pp. 24-26. Schweizer Berufsverband der Pflegefachfrauen und Pflegefachmänner
Mantzoukas, Stefanos; Schärli-Lim, Susan; Kelly, Hélène; Falk, Katarina; Frey, Sibylle; Van Der Aa, Chris (2021). The impact of The Florence Network in advancing nursing and midwifery in Europe Nurse Education in Practice, 50(1), pp. 1-5. Elsevier 10.1016
Helfer, Tannys; Fäh, David; Luijckx, Eefje; Frey, Sibylle; Berg Maeder, Annemarie; Peter, Karin Anne (2020). The Connection between Health Promotion, Prevention, and Psychosocial Health: An Innovative Action Model The Open Public Health Journal, 13(1), pp. 850-855. 10.2174/1874944502013010850
Sommerhalder, Kathrin; Frey, Sibylle; Hahn, Sabine (2010). Identifying patients with low health literacy Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19(S1), p. 30. Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Wiley-Blackwell - STM