Maternal One-Carbon Nutrient Intake and Risk of Being Overweight or Obese in Their Offspring: A Transgenerational Prospective Cohort Study

Bogl, Leonie-Helen; Strohmaier, Susanne; Hu, Frank B.; Willett, Walter C.; Eliassen, A. Heather; Hart, Jaime E.; Sun, Qi; Chavarro, Jorge E.; Field, Alison E.; Schernhammer, Eva (2024). Maternal One-Carbon Nutrient Intake and Risk of Being Overweight or Obese in Their Offspring: A Transgenerational Prospective Cohort Study Nutrients, 16(8), p. 1210. MDPI 10.3390/nu16081210

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Adherence to healthful dietary patterns is associated with lower body mass index (BMI) in adults; however, whether maternal diet quality during peripregnancy is related to a lower overweight risk in the offspring remains to be elucidated. We investigated the associations between the Alternate Healthy Eating Index (AHEI), Alternate Mediterranean Diet (aMED) and Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) during peripregnancy and offspring weight outcomes in a study including 2729 mother-child pairs from the Nurses' Health Study II and offspring cohort Growing Up Today Study II. Children, 12-14 years at baseline were 21-23 years at the last follow-up. Overweight or obesity was defined according to International Obesity Task Force (< 18 years) and World-Health-Organization guidelines (18 + years). Maternal dietary patterns were calculated from food frequency questionnaires. Log-binomial models were used to estimate relative risks (RR) and 95% confidence intervals. In models adjusted for sex, gestational age at delivery and maternal total energy intake, greater maternal adherence to aMED and DASH, but not AHEI, was associated with lower overweight risk in the offspring (RRQ5 vs Q1 = 0.82 [0.70-0.97] for aMED and 0.86 [0.72-1.04] for DASH, P for trend < 0.05 for both). After additional adjustment for maternal pre-pregnancy lifestyle factors and socio-demographic characteristic, none of the diet quality scores were significantly associated with offspring overweight risk. Maternal pre-pregnancy BMI did not modify any of these associations. In this population of generally well-nourished women, maternal healthful dietary patterns during the period surrounding pregnancy were not independently associated with offspring overweight risk at ages 12-23 years.

Item Type:

Journal Article (Original Article)


School of Health Professions
School of Health Professions > Nutrition and Dietetics


Bogl, Leonie-Helen0000-0003-4316-2619;
Strohmaier, Susanne;
Hu, Frank B.;
Willett, Walter C.;
Eliassen, A. Heather;
Hart, Jaime E.;
Sun, Qi;
Chavarro, Jorge E.;
Field, Alison E. and
Schernhammer, Eva


R Medicine > RZ Other systems of medicine










Leonie-Helen Bogl

Date Deposited:

01 May 2024 08:32

Last Modified:

01 May 2024 08:32

Publisher DOI:





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