Paik's Virtual Archive: Interview with Hanna Hölling

Hölling, Hanna Barbara; Hock, Regina (2017). Paik's Virtual Archive: Interview with Hanna Hölling [Movie]. In: Collection and Archives. Karlsruhe, Germany: ZKM, Center for Art and Media

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In her Book »Paik’s Virtual Archive, Hölling contemplates the identity of multimedia artworks by reconsidering the role of conservation in our understanding of what the artwork is and how it functions within and beyond a specific historical moment. In Hölling’s discussion of works by Nam June Paik (1932–2006), the hugely influential Korean American artist who is considered the progenitor of video art, she explores the relation between the artworks’ concept and material, theories of musical performance and performativity, and the Bergsonian concept of duration, as well as the parts these elements play in the conceptualization of multimedia artworks.

Item Type:

Audiovisual Material & Event (Movie)


Bern Academy of the Arts
Bern Academy of the Arts > Institute Materiality in Art and Culture
Bern Academy of the Arts > Institute Materiality in Art and Culture > Contemporary Art and Media


Hölling, Hanna Barbara0000-0002-3063-4405 and
Hock, Regina


N Fine Arts > N Visual arts (General) For photography, see TR
N Fine Arts > NX Arts in general
T Technology > T Technology (General)


ZKM, Center for Art and Media




Hanna Barbara Hölling

Date Deposited:

13 Sep 2023 11:40

Last Modified:

13 Sep 2023 11:40

Additional Information:

Video Documentary: ZKM | Institute for Visual Media Camera: Hannah Radgen, Martina Rotzal Editing: Hannah Radgen

Uncontrolled Keywords:

Paik, video, television, media, conservation


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