Wood bonding by vibrational and rotational friction welding

Pizzi, Antonio; Properzi, Milena; Pichelin, Frédéric (2005). Wood bonding by vibrational and rotational friction welding In: Conference Wood Adhesives. San Diego, USA. 2005.

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Mechanically-induced wood welding, without any adhesive yields wood joints satisfying the relevant requirements for structural applications. The mechanism of mechanically-induced vibrational wood fusion welding is due mostly to the melting and flowing of some amorphous, cells- interconnecting polymer material in the structure of wood, mainly lignin, but also hemicelluloses. This causes partial detachment, the "ungluing" of long wood cells, wood fibres, and the formation of a fibres entanglement network in the matrix of molten material which then solidifies. Thus, a wood cells/fibres entanglement network composite having a molten lignin polymer matrix is formed. Cross- linking chemical reactions also occur. These reactions have been identified but are relatively minor contributors during the very short welding period. Their contribution increases after welding has finished, explaining why long holding times under pressure after the end of welding contribute strongly to obtaining a good bond.

Item Type:

Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)


School of Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering
School of Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering > Institute for Materials and Wood Technology
BFH Centres and strategic thematic fields > BFH Centre for Wood - Resource and Material
School of Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering > Institut for Building Materials and Biobased Products IBBM


Pizzi, Antonio;
Properzi, Milena and
Pichelin, Frédéric0000-0003-3856-6707


T Technology > T Technology (General)
T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
T Technology > TH Building construction
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery
T Technology > TS Manufactures




Frédéric Pichelin

Date Deposited:

04 Mar 2020 15:34

Last Modified:

09 Nov 2022 10:04





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